GrownUps New Zealand

Natural Cleaning Tips for Eco Conscious House Wives (and Husbands!)

“As the planet heats up environmentally and politically, it’s good to know that New Zealand exists. This uncrowded, green, peaceful and accepting country is the ultimate escape.”

With romantic descriptions like that, it’s pretty safe to say that from a global perspective, New Zealand is an environmental haven. But while we’re famous for scenery that made Peter Jackson’s location scouts go weak at the knees, we’re not quite as eco-conscious as people give us credit for. At least, not when it comes to household cleaning…

Every year, waterways are infiltrated with toxins and chemicals that make homes sparkle, yet choke the natural environment. But the good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way. For all you nature lovers out there, it is possible to keep your kitchens and bathrooms gleaming, without tying Mother Nature’s knickers in a knot.

How? By ‘greenifying’ your cleaning cupboard. It’s surprisingly simple and verges on addictive once you set yourself up with a core ingredients base. To get you started, here are some of our favourite natural cleaning DIY tips that anyone can master.

Eco-friendly products for cleaning

You’ve probably heard of using baking soda and aluminium foil to restore lustre to sterling silver jewellery. But did you know that a humble tub of Arm & Hammer can also work wonders on your oven? Simply spray the oven with water, then sprinkle a generous layer of baking soda over the top. Spritz again, let the baking soda work its magic for an hour or two, then wipe off the residue with a cloth.

Forget spray bleach and scouring creams that make your bathroom smell like a chemical plant. Instead, make your own ultra-tough scouring scrub using one-part earth-friendly Bon Ami powder, one part salt and two parts baking soda. It’ll cut right through grease, grime and even the most stubborn soap scum stains.

Next time you’re making lemon meringue pie or juicing an orange, hang onto those peels. Throw them in a jar, pour undiluted white vinegar over the top and seal for a day or two. You can then strain the vinegar into a spray bottle, dilute with a splash of water and enjoy an amazingly effective multi-purpose cleaner, with a fresh citrus scent. Use it to polish windows, disinfect kitchen benches, mop the bathroom floor and more.

It’s so easy to buy a good old Febreze, but it turns out that making your own air freshener is just as effective, and far more satisfying. Simply fill a saucepan with four cups of water, then throw in whatever natural ingredients send you into ‘scent-gasm’ mode. Combinations we love include:

  1. Lemon, rosemary and vanilla
  2. Ginger, lime and honey
  3. Orange, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves

Instead of cleaning with disposable sponges, invest in a set of microfiber cloths. They do an amazing job on everything from windows to bathtubs, and can simply be thrown in the washing machine and reused after every use.

Yes, it’s tempting to throw a carton of scented Surf into the trolley, but did you know the harsh chemicals in washing powders and fabric softeners can irritate the skin, trigger asthma and drench garments in harmful VOCs? Instead, why not DIY using borax (a naturally occurring mineral), washing soda and a bar of all-natural soap? Simply grate the soap into a bowl, then blend in one cup of washing soda and one cup of borax. For a divine scent, mix in 20 or so drops of your favourite essential oil. Transfer to an airtight glass jar, and use 2 tablespoons per load.

Lacking the time or inspiration to make your own natural cleaning products is no excuse to stay dirty. The eco-friendly cleaning products market is rapidly gaining traction, and hitting up your local health food store, sites like or even supermarket will likely reveal more choices than you thought you had. Right now, we love homegrown brands like ecostore and Earthwise, as well as global names like Dr Bronner’s.

The times they are a changin’

No doubt about it, the world is developing a guilty eco-conscious. This is great news, as it’s forcing people to think twice about their environmental impact and think of new ways to minimise their footprints.

The latest stats from Nielsen’s ‘The Dirt on Cleaning: Home Cleaning/Laundry Attitudes and Trends Around the World’ report confirms that outlooks are changing, with 32% of global survey respondents confirming they use vinegar on a regular basis. 28% say they use baking soda, with 23% using alcohol as a disinfectant. Furthermore, 26% maintain that organic/all-natural ingredients are very important, while 24% put environmentally friendly/sustainable packaging at the top of the priority list.

The times they are a changin’ and no one would be happier about this than everyone’s favourite folk music legend turned environmental activist.

A budget and eco-friendly move

Not only will going natural help minimise your environmental impact, but it’ll also save you cash.

“For many consumers, a back-to-basics philosophy may be contributing to behaviours, but financial considerations are also factors—especially when consumers are looking to stretch their budgets,” comments Sarah Peters, Nielsen Global Business Partner. “Using natural-based, everyday household ingredients has the dual benefit of saving the environment and money, too.”

Ready to get your clean on? Everyone loves a spotless home, but what’s even better is a spotless home that doesn’t come at an environmental price. So next time you reach for that chemical laden nozzle bottle, why not think twice?