GrownUps New Zealand

Options Aplenty

Moving into residential care is a big decision for a family. Raising the issue can be contentious, and for the person who is moving, the change can feel overwhelming. It is important that families are able to have open and honest discussions about the well being of their loved ones.

One of the events which precipitates such a discussion is the loss of a partner. When one spouse is left behind, day to day care requirements can change. One option to look into is easing a transition to residential care by starting out as a ‘day resident.’

Radius Care is a specialist in looking after elderly people who need assistance, New Zealand owned, and established over 10 years ago. Radius Care is a health and aged care provider for elderly and disabled New Zealanders.

The company provides quality rest home and private hospital care for people who require help in their daily lives, with more than 20 locations throughout the country. From day programmes to companionable residential care, full hospital care to secure facilities for dementia, Radius Care can help and also provide the compassion and care that your loved one needs.

One day programme resident Merv, tells his story:

“After Helen, my wonderful, loving and talented wife of 62 years, passed away, it was suggested to me that I come to Radius Hampton Court to attend the Day Programme.

“I was interested in the idea but had no idea what it could possibly be like. With having had my sister and brother in-law living in a rest home, I knew what it was like to visit someone who lived in one, but had no idea about this Day Care
Programme or what the outcome would be for me. After all, I am a very young 88 year-old. With my three sons and
daughter all living out of town and overseas, I decided to give it a go. I could always leave if it wasn’t for me.

“With the support of my children, who thought it was a good idea, I attended my first day. I found myself sitting with and talking to people who I had common interests with. I thought to myself, I think in time we could be friends.

“Coming to the Day Care Programme has meant that I don’t have to worry about what to cook for lunch as the meals are very good. I also get to catch up with friends and am always making new ones. I enjoy the in-house activities programme,
especially the in-house entertainment each week. Music has always been a love of mine because of my very talented wife being a pianist; she could play anything by ear. I also enjoy the monthly trips to the local RSA, the exercise programme and the people.

“Being ‘The Day Boy’ has been an enlightening experience for me. I enjoy coming here twice a week, catching up with friends, being fed and joining in with the activities programme. The staff are extremely loving, caring and friendly and also very competent in what they do. It is a very enjoyable experience for me, and one that I would thoroughly recommend.”

If you are interested in viewing one of the Radius Care facilities, click here for more information. From the type of care your family member needs, to funding and logistics, the staff will be happy to take you through what’s involved in becoming a Radius resident, for both the resident and the family.