GrownUps New Zealand

Spotlight on tramping

Did you know that spending time in the great outdoors can boost your fitness but also your mental health? Getting back to nature appears to work wonders on our stress levels and promote a feeling of wellbeing. And with so many fantastic New Zealand trails to explore, tramping, along with high quality dairy protein, may be your secret to staying stronger for longer.

Call of the Wild

Growing evidence shows that access to the natural environment improves health and well-being, as well as preventing disease and helping people recover from illness. According to a literature review on the topic by researchers at Deakin University, “Experiencing nature in an outdoor environment can help tackle mental health problems, obesity, and coronary heart disease. In fact, it is recommended that people living in towns and cities should have an accessible natural green space of at least two hectares in size, located no more than 300 metres (or five minutes walking distance) from home.”

Walk and Talk

So why not join a walking group with likeminded active agers and get fit and back to nature at the same time? Or a volunteer conservation group that helps repair trails and work on projects in a National Park? Getting involved in a group means you can car pool, plus co-ordinate a healthy picnic together. Don’t forget to include high quality dairy protein for muscle strength and pep up energy! You can search for trails by different fitness levels and explore the amazing Great Walks on offer in your New Zealand back yard.

Go Bird Watching

Did you know some New Zealand birds are amongst the rarest and most fascinating the world? Different seasons have different attractions and are there are also special places, dedicated to the protection of wildlife where you can see very rare species in the wild. Find our more on the Department of Conservation website.

By Emma Stirling APD

ii. References not to be published.
iii. Deakin University literature review 2010 provided. References not to be published.