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Train your brain to remember more

Let’s face it, as you get older it seems to get harder and harder to remember everyday things. But just like muscles, the brain can be trained to stay fit. Only instead of toning, you’re flexing your memory. From avoiding embarrassing ‘who are you?’ scenes in the supermarket to spending an hour searching for your car keys, these exercises are designed to help you learn faster, remember more and even avoid diseases like Alzheimer’s.

1. Say it out loud

From remembering names to recalling a shopping list, saying it out loud helps to etch information in your brain. For example, rather than just say “nice to meet you” when someone introduces themselves as Kate, respond with “nice to meet you, Kate.” This creates a distinctive memory that your brain can refer back to when trying to conjure it up at a later date.

2. Give your brain a workout

Monotonous activity puts your brain into autopilot, and means learning and memory functions are a little neglected. Fix this by continually stimulating your brain with new content. This forces your brain to wire new pathways, and become a faster and more accomplished learner. From languages to musical instruments, there are so many enriching things out there to try. Check out our latest write up on ‘Amazing Skills You Can Pick Up In Less Than a Year’ for a little inspiration.

3. Learn to dance

Believe it or not, studies indicate that learning to dance can help seniors avoid the onset of Alzheimer’s. Apparently, the art of memorising moves helps to refocus the mind, and simply be present. “People with Alzheimer’s and dementia [who] may not have been present for a while, actually immediately after [the dance] class come into the here and now,” explains Gwen Korebrits, a dance teacher for not-for-profit group, Dance Health Alliance.

4. Train your brain

For fast results, try investing in a brain training program like BrainHQ. Clinically proven, the program puts your brain through an onslaught of exercises designed to improve the memory, and help you think faster. There are also a string of fantastic books out there, including Quantum Memory Power by the legendary Dominic O’Brien.

6. Sweat it out

As well as releasing endorphins and keeping you fit, getting sweaty out also works wonders for the brain. Even just 20 minutes on the treadmill can improve the way your brain processes information and stores memories. Exercise also helps to fast-track the creation of new neural connections, which refines your brain’s learning capacity.

7. Treat yourself to chocolate

Quite possibly the best way to improve your memory is by treating yourself to a healthy dose of dark chocolate. Most people know that fish, fruits and vegetables are good for your brain. But the high cacao content of dark chocolate stimulates the production of dopamine, which helps you to learn faster, and remember more. Plus, dark chocolate is loaded with flavonols and antioxidants, which are proven to improve brain function.


Ready to give your brain the workout is deserves? Whether you’re genuinely struggling with memory or simply want to boost your brain power in general, these tips will help you operate in top gear.