GrownUps New Zealand

Happily Occupied

Throughout your entire lifetime, it’s important to stay active and engaged with the world. One of the fastest ways to become depressed and demotivated is to withdraw from activities and interests – in fact, withdrawal from social circles is an early indicator of a problem, particularly in older adults.

When mobility becomes limited, health conditions develop or circumstances change (for example after the death of a spouse), it can seem easier for an older person to simply stay home. Family often has the best of intentions to keep their loved one involved with them, or to take them to activities, but daily life can make this easier said that done.

Boredom affects one’s self image, mental and physical health and can lead to lethargy and depression. It’s not the same as the “Mummy, I’m bored,” that children share with us. Children simply want to be entertained, where as adults crave companionship and stimulation, yet are sometimes unable to generate it themselves through circumstance.

This is when professionals can help. Radius Care is a specialist in looking after elderly people who need assistance, New Zealand owned, and established over 10 years ago. Radius Care offers a wide range of services – residential care, respite care, hospital care, and specialist dementia units.

Whether your loved one comes for day visits, or needs more specific care, they will be offered a comprehensive range of activities to keep them as fit, entertained, inspired and involved as they choose. Keeping a healthy and active lifestyle increases quality of life, no matter what your age.

From exercise classes, to outings, friendship groups and hobbies, residents have a daily focus which is designed to meet their social, emotional and physical needs. Activities are varied and provide stimulation and challenge, along with the all-important social contact. All Radius Care staff are qualified and passionate about aged care, and each centre is able to tailor their activities to suit the residents. They are interested in the needs of each individual – whether they respond well to larger or smaller groups, outside activities or quiet indoor ones. There is no compulsion to participate, rather, staff hope to provide enough options to provide interesting something for everyone.

For more information, contact one of the Radius Care sites around New Zealand.