GrownUps New Zealand

Take Control Of LBL

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Enjoy your active lifestyle

Being active is an important part of every woman’s life. Whether it’s heading out for a yoga session, sharing a coffee and a laugh with some friends, or even taking time out for a relaxing walk, we all want to feel like we’re living life to the fullest. But a lot of women with light bladder leakage, or LBL, compromise their life because it affects their confidence. 

LBL is a common problem that many women over 35 experience – in fact, at least one in three. For many this is associated with a loss of comfort and confidence that causes them to slow down. However, it’s important to know that LBL can be improved and is always manageable. 

There are several simple measures that can improve your condition. For example, drinking sufficient amounts of water (6-8 glasses per day), exercising regularly (20-30 minutes, three times a week), and reducing or cutting out alcohol, caffeine, and sweet drinks can all have positive effects on LBL. 

Another important part of managing LBL, and minimising its effect on your lifestyle, is to get suitable protection. Some forms of protection, for a moderate amount of leakage, can feel bulky and bunch up, increasing your discomfort.

Using appropriate protection like POISE® Hourglass pads will allow you to stay comfortable and give you the confidence to keep on with your active lifestyle. The shape of POISE® Hourglass pads is contoured to a women’s body for improved comfort. In addition, the unique 4-layer design, with Absorb-loc® granules, absorbs moisture quickly and helps prevent odour, giving you all the confidence you need to make the most of your day.

Go to for a free sample and feel the difference yourself. 

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