GrownUps New Zealand

Stay Warm, Stay Healthy

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Being warm usually spells comfort and safety. We all get chilly in the winter, but keep an eye on the thermostat. Being constantly cold can have a real impact on your health.

Consider this – the optimal temperature for the air in your home, for comfort and good health is 21 degrees Celsius.

Once the air in your home drops to 16 degrees, you have an increased risk of developing respiratory illness

Less than 12 degrees increases your risk of stroke and heart attack

Less than 5 degrees increases your risk of hypothermia

Low temperatures weaken the immune system and impair mobility

Keep your home warm and dry – putting on an extra layer is all very well, but if you aren’t moving around a lot, it is hard to stay warm with clothing alone. 

Minimise damp in your home with a dehumidifier or home ventilation system – dry air is easier and more efficient to heat than damp air.

Before the temperature drops in earnest for the winter, make sure you have a way to keep your home warm and yourself healthy.