GrownUps New Zealand

Stay driving for longer as you reach the golden years

Kiwis have to renew our licences once we reach our 75th birthday then again at 80 and every two years after that. The licence renewal includes getting a medical certificate, then depending on your doctor’s recommendation you may also have to do an on road safety test.

The ability to drive ourselves and get out and about plays such an important role in maintaining our sense of self-reliance and independence as we age. Losing your license can be a huge blow to not just your self-confidence, but potentially your health as well. Why?

For many people, being unable to drive themselves leads to social isolation, anxiety, and depression. You don’t want to burden a family member or friend with the task of helping you get places like to a lunch date or the gym so you start limiting your time out of the house and avoiding social gatherings. This worsens feelings of loneliness and can potentially lead to other unhealthy habits like eating a poor diet and not exercising.

Who most often pays the price when you’re no longer able to drive? You. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With important health and safety reminders, helpful tips, and these best practices you can successfully behind the wheel longer:

Health Reminders

Your own physical and mental health can have a huge impact on your ability to drive safely. Don’t miss these health reminders:


Safety Reminders

A quick refresh on basic driver safety reminders can also help you stay behind the wheel for a long time:

If you have had to forfeit your license due to an accident or medical condition, that doesn’t mean the end of the world. While discouraging, there are still plenty of positive actions you can take to stay active and get out of the house.

Keen to learn more or want to check your road safety? The NZ Transport Agency has some great online resources including an online self-rating assessment to check out your driver safety rating.