Daily, we are bombarded with this weight loss product and/or gadget. The days of a personal trainer being a luxury, even in these challenging economic times, are for many gone and in the end can oftentimes be more cost effective than hit or miss working out on your own — not to mention the safety factor that can significantly reduce the risk of injury.
What is the role of the personal trainer?
No pain/No gain — No Way! At no time should you feel pressured to take on more weight load than you can handle — especially if you are a beginner! Listen to your body. Initially, there will be some soreness due to muscles being worked that have been dormant for a long time. However, that should subside in a day or two at most.
Remember: A personal trainer is not, in most cases, a nutritionist. That is a totally different role. Also, no matter how good the personal trainer may be, without a good nutrition program, coupled with cardiovascular activity and weight bearing exercise, you will in all likelihood not get the desired results.
Also, before starting an exercise or diet modification program, it is advisable to have a complete check-up to identify any underlying medical conditions.