GrownUps New Zealand

Prepare to Start Scratching

11232 nits

The minute anyone starts talking about nits, it's extremely hard not to start itching all over. 

As the school years begins, for so many families, so will the infestation. Head lice thrive in a warm environment, and once little heads are in close proximity in the classroom every day, the chances of your child catching them are high.

Nits do not discriminate – clean hair, short hair, young and old. They are unpleasant and very hard to keep on top of. They do not simply 'go away' by themselves and can easily affect an entire family. Schools are generally very good at keeping parents informed if there is a problem in a certain classroom, but the elimiation of the lice is up to the parents.

Get to know the parents in your child's class and resolve to treat lice swiftly and mercilessly and be on the look out for further outbreaks. They breed like the proverbial rabbit otherwise.

The first sign you get is usually itching (is your scalp crawling yet?). Depending on the colour of your child's hair, they can be incredibly hair to spot. If in doubt, consult your pharmacist for advice.

For first time infestations, it is tempting to try natural remedies, but like so many childhood conditions, lice seem far more resistant to treatment than in the past. Bite the bullet and treat them with a chemical preparation, and be prepared to repeat it. Combing with a metal comb designed to remove the eggs as well as the live bug is essential. While some treatments recommend weekly combing, it is best to do it more regularly, to get on top of it.

Divide your child's hair into sections and warm them that no one will be having much fun! It only takes one egg or louse to keep the cycle going, so you do need to be thorough. Finishing the treatment by drying the hair and running hair straighteners through it will help kill eggs and lice too.

Once yor child's head is clear, make sure you wash all thier hats and bedding and encourage them not to share hats, hair ties or hair brushes. Tie up long hair for school.

The faster you identify and treat head lice, the easier it is for everyone.