GrownUps New Zealand

Prepare for the Change of Season

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Ah summer. All warm days and balmy nights. Generally summer is a time of year when coughs, colds and ailments are kept to a minimum and we enjoy the best that life has to offer.

As the seasons change, our bodies need to adapt to a different temperature, sometimes a different time and an influx of seasonal illnesses. These can be minimised if you take precautions and ensure you are in tip top condition.

Regulate your temperature

Being cold per se will not make you ill. However, if your body is working harder to keep you warm, it may have less energy to fight infection. In the early autumn, remember to pack something warm when you go out and move warmer clothes to the front of the wardrobe. Order firewood if you need it so that you are prepared if the weather turns unexpectedly. Keep airing your home out during the day, but close the windows earlier to keep heat in and the damp out.

Aches and pains can flare up in the cooler months, so make sure you have a wheat bag or hot water bottle on hand.

Nourish yourself and supplement if necessary
Feed yourself well – make sure there are plenty of bright coloured fruit and vegetable in your meals (frozen counts too!) and that you are keeping yourself well hydrated. Sip away during the day on herbal tea, water and even the good old lemon and honey drink every now and again to keep your immunity high.

At the change of season, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about taking a multivitamin or supplement to boost immunity. It is also a good time to discuss an influenza injection and to evaluate any medications you are taking – are the doses correct – is it still the right course of action?


As with the cold, if your body is tired, it will have less ability to fight infection. A quick ‘nana nap’ during the day can do wonders for your energy level and immunity, as does a good night sleep.

If sleep disturbances are a problem for you, keep caffeine to a minimum after 2pm, eat a light evening meal and turn off the tv, mobile phone and laptop in the couple of hours before bed time. A brisk walk at some stage in the day will help your slumber too.

Start planning a winter getaway

If the thought of shorter, colder days makes you shudder, start making plans. How can you work a quick getaway into your budget and schedule in the next few months? There are often excellent deals to be had if you book in advance.

Even if a tropical getaway is out of your budget, maybe a quick weekend somewhere new in New Zealand will give you something to look forward to.

Embrace the change

Each new season is special in its own way. Look forward to the wonderful things about autumn and plan some adventures with your family or friends (leaf piles in the park, soup nights, bracing walks) and make the most of it. For anyone with an artistic bent, the vibrant colours and interesting textures should prove inspiring!