Taking care of your feet needn't take a lot of time or money, although there are some very luxurious options should you feel like indulging.
Bare Feet
Keep your feet well maintained. As a start point, keep a pumice stone in your bathroom and at least once a week, give your feet a good scrub all over with it. It will keep them smooth, help prevent your heels cracking and feel amazing. After a good scrub, rub some oil or lotion into your feet and put on cotton socks. This means you feet can absorb the product without making your floor sticky and slippery.
If you don't have a foot lotion, mix a few drop of peppermint oil with a light oil (almond, olive or coconut) and rub it into your feet. It will feel like heaven on dry heels!
Keep you toenails well trimmed, straight across and the cuticles trimmed (there are a number of products on the market for cuticles, but problematic ones may require a pedicure).
Keep an eye out for infections in your toenails and between your toes. Always dry your feet thoroughly after showering, bathing or swimming. Seek your pharmacist's advice if your toenails become discoloured, ridged or flaky, it can indicate other underlying conditions.
In the summer, if you are wearing jandals or open shoes, remember to put sunscreen on your feet as well.
Your feet may continue growing fractionally for your whole life. Buy shoes that fit and take the time when buying shoes to ask questions. If you have a foot condition (corns, bunions, flat feet, very high arches), mention it to the salesperson. They may have other shoes that will suit you better.
It may sound silly, but buy comfortable shoes. Never squeeze into your shoes and it is worth investing in proper walking or golf shoes for example, if it something you do regularly. Shoes are now often designed with a specific activity in mind and may not be suitable for everything. Again, seek advice.
Bring in the Professionals
Corns, bunions, verrucas and callouses are all common foot problems. They are not only unsightly, they can be extremely painful. In turn, this can lead to bad posture, which may lead to other aches and pains. Get them checked and treated if necessary.
A pedicure is a wonderful gift for men or women. Men are less likely to pamper themselves, but will love the results just the same (without the nail polish at the end!) Pedicures include a foot soak, scrub, massage or rub and nail care and do wonders for your general feeling of wellbeing.
Finally, put your feet up every now and again! They will take you thousands of miles over your lifetime and deserve a rest and some TLC (Tender Love & Care).