GrownUps New Zealand

How to lose weight safely if you are a 60+ man

From having an annual health check to maintaining a healthy diet, there are a few basic things that men over 60 can do to be healthy – but what about if you want to lose weight too?

As men age, they produce less testosterone, and this combined with joint pain can result in a less active lifestyle. Thankfully, despite this it is still entirely possible for men in their 60s to lose weight; it is just important that they lose the weight in a safe and healthy manner. If you want to lose weight and you are in your 60s, you’re not alone; the adult obesity rate in New Zealand has been increasing since 2011, but improved awareness of healthy lifestyles is encouraging many older men to lose weight.

Be Informed About Supplements

As our bodies age, hormones such as progesterone and testosterone start to decline, and this can result in slight weight gain and lowered strength. This leads many men who work out to consider using supplements, such as testosterone supplements, to help improve their strength; in fact, supplement use in New Zealand is 62% to 65% higher for men.

While many supplements can help with weight loss, some pills such as testosterone boosters should be avoided. This is because testosterone boosters actually have very little to do with weight loss, and they can be dangerous if you are not using them properly, so you should speak to your doctor before starting to take any kind of supplement.

Consider Safe Strength Training

It can be useful to add some strength training to your workout routine as you get older, as our bodies lose around 2% of muscle mass every decade – which means that you will have around 20% less muscle mass when you are in your sixties. This can contribute to weight gain as you are carrying less muscle when you walk and more fat, which won’t metabolise.

For this reason, it can be useful to try safe strength training, such as exercising in a swimming pool or with small weights. Make sure you don’t push yourself too much, and always listen to your body when you are working out.

It is entirely possible to lose weight safely if you are a man over 60 – you just need to be aware of your body’s natural changes and how to work with those changes. This will ensure that you lose weight in a safe and healthy way, reducing the risk of injury or an accident.