GrownUps New Zealand

Wolf And Wolf Hybrids

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When most people think about pets, they think about something soft and cuddly. If that is the first thought that comes to your mind, you should probably not consider a wolf or even a wolf hybrid as a pet. If however, you live out in the proverbial boonies and are looking for a companion as much as an animal that will earn its keep to some extent, than the wolf may very well be exactly what you are looking for.

Wolves and wolf hybrids are not generally known as domestic pets in the traditional sense of the word and should not be considered as such. However, if are looking for an animal that is neither ashamed or afraid to earn its keep than a wolf or wolf hybrid may be just what the doctor ordered. However, you have to realize that a wolf is not easily domesticated, trained or housebroken. About the best you will be able to hope for is establishing a mutually beneficial relationship and a rather distant friendship.

The wolf and wolf hybrids need a large tract of open land so that they have plenty of room to run. They are very capable of digging, climbing and jumping so attempting to keep them contained in a very small area is not advised. Ideally, to offer a viable habitat to your wolf, you will have a large farm or ranch … preferably one with a large population of rabbits and rodents of some size or quantity. The wolf will happily hunt down the varmints that wreak havoc on your crops and keep most problem animals (and people) far away from you and your property.

If you do not have a large rodent population for your wolf to feed upon, you will also have to consider the costs in housing a wolf. Wolves and hybrids will usually eat somewhere around twenty pounds of raw meat every week. Again, the wolf makes a great companion but you must be aware of what you are getting into before you make any effort to adopt a wolf and bring it into your home. This does not mean to literally bring them into your home however.

Wolves and even the wolf hybrids are not very well conditioned to living indoors. They are not easily housebroken because, as territorial animals, they will continually mark their territory. This is usually done by urinating in order that others of their ilk will be aware of their presence. Again, wolves and wolf hybrids are not domestic animals and cannot be treated as such.

Unless you have a very large portion of land ranging into square miles rather than square acres, you will probably not wish to adopt fully grown wolves. They will fight for dominance if you own more than one and even if you do not, there will still be a struggle between the wolf and the owner for dominance of the territory in question. Adopting baby wolves or hybrids is by far the best method for adopting a wolf into your home.

In this way, the wolf will grow up with you already situated as the dominant figure or the proverbial alpha and you will suffer much less than you would with a grown wolf. While wolves are not the right pet for everyone, the person who has the room, the patience and the temperament to deal with them can find themselves with a truly unique bonding experience. Wolves are symbolic of power and grace and have been since times forgotten. Your wolf or wolf hybrid may never be a cuddle buddy, but it will be an undying friend and a unique opportunity to experience first hand why these mystical creatures, the wolves, have been so revered throughout history.

by: CS Swarens

Note to reader from Grownups: We are well aware of the miniscule chances of customs allowing you to have a pet Wolf (or Wolf Hybrid). The purpose of this article (which as you can imagine I found in a Canadian archive) is purely for entertainment value. Trying not to state the obvious please do not be offended if in searching for you new best friend you are laughed at by NZ Customs if this one is your choice. Happy reading and also don’t forget to leave comments at the bottom of articles fellow readers love it and we appreciate the feedback.