GrownUps New Zealand

How to survive tough times in your relationship

10630 drdorree

This is dedicated to the owners of loving relationships, who want them to work at their best.

All relationships go through tough times. It is quite normal to come so close to throwing in the towel that you both wonder if things will ever work again. Some stressful time periods are predictable – you may like to view them as ‘developmental.’

Routines set in

What was once unbelievably romantic becomes ‘ho hum’ or even ‘grrr.’ The magic is gone and boredom seems forever. Following are some popular reasons:

Given how stressful marriage can be, what makes a strong one stronger?

Marriages that work, have a toolbox. Over time and with patience and communication, each partner knows which tool to use and when. A strong marriage becomes stronger, when tools are learned, well-honed, practised with patience and are appropriately used.

Read more from Dr Dorree here