GrownUps New Zealand


10923 stages

The year was 1996 and spring was just around the corner.  It had been a long, cold winter and the first sign of daffodils were starting to appear in the garden.  

Venita was looking forward to summer and looking forward to being involved in the local production of 'Beauty and the Beast', which was going to be put on at the community theatre in Wentworth. 

Venita lived for her singing and acting, had started performing from a very young age and always enjoyed being involved in school productions.  Often family evenings would end up around the piano and Venita and her brother Tim would love singing duets together.  Both Venita’s parents enjoyed music and always encouraged their daughter to audition for local productions. 

Growing up, Venita’s dream was to work in professional theatre.  In the meantime she had to have a job to help pay for her tuition. Weekdays she worked in a small but quaint antique store that stocked weird and wonderful costumes from old theatre productions.  Venita loved to look at them and daydream.   At the back of her mind she was always focusing on being on stage as a successful singer and actress.   Venita’s parents were very proud of their daughter and did everything they could to encourage her.

The local production of 'Beauty and the Beast' had been in the planning for a year, and as the weeks drew closer to opening night Venita felt excited, as well as a little nervous.  She had auditioned for the role of ‘Belle’ and was truly overwhelmed to have been given the part.  This was her biggest opportunity to date and she knew she had to do well.

Opening night arrived and Venita’s parents Henrietta and Nathan Struthers were in the audience, as well as Venita’s brother Tim who brought along his girlfriend Marsha.

On opening night the house was full, the audience gave a standing ovation and the rest of the cast were full of praise for Venita’s performance.

After the performance was over Venita went out for supper with her family.  A few of the cast members joined them and congratulatory hugs and kisses were given out freely.  Venita felt wonderful, “If only this had been in the big city,” she thought to herself.

The show ran for two weeks and by the end of the run Venita was exhausted.  She had put so much energy into the role and now it was time to head off for a well-earned vacation.

The day after the final show Venita’s parents took her to the airport and she left for Sydney for three weeks.

“You make sure you get some time to rest while you are away,” called out Venita’s mother as she made her way into the Customs area.

The three weeks in Sydney went by all too quickly, but Venita thoroughly enjoyed herself and managed to see 'Cats' and 'Les Miserables'.  She also went to a movie and had a leisurely stroll on Manly beach.  This break was just what she needed. 

Her parents were at the airport to meet Venita upon her return.  They noticed how tanned and relaxed she looked.  As soon as Venita walked over to her parents Henrietta rushed forward, waving an envelope at her, “Darling this letter arrived yesterday,” Venita frowned.  “It looks important, open it,” said Henrietta pushing it into her daughter's hands.  “Thank you Mum, I will once we are in the car,” replied Venita, taking the letter from her mother.

Henrietta gave her daughter a frustrated-looking smile as she took her hand as they walked to the car.

Venita started talking about her holiday and the shows she had seen once she was in the car.  Henrietta was growing impatient and interjected, “The letter darling, read it now, please.”  Venita laughed, “Oh mother, why all the fuss…”  Venita read quietly for a moment and then suddenly let out a gasp, “A talent scout saw me in ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and wants me to audition for a show that going to be on in Dunedin later in the year!”  Her mum grabbed her arm, “Oh, how wonderful!”  Venita let the letter fall into her lap and turned to her mother, “I'll have to think this over.  I will need to get three months leave from work, and then there is the money side of it…how will I live?” she asked.  “Well you should go to the audition at least my dear,” replied Nathan, finally getting a word in.  Venita looked at him in the rear-view mirror, “I guess there is no harm in that’, I will email this 'James Pillbrow' tomorrow morning and see what he has to say.”

The next morning Venita slept in a bit and her mother came knocking at the door with a cup of tea.  “Here love, drink this and get on to that email soon won’t you?  You don’t want Mr Pillbrow to think you are not interested…” Henrietta said excitedly.

It was a couple of days before Venita got a reply from Mr Pillbrow, who replied that she was invited to go down to Dunedin in two weeks’ time for an audition.  He made no promises she would get a part and had to pay her own way for the two days they would need her.

Venita replied agreeing to go.  She felt nervous but hopeful.  This was a big opportunity for her and she couldn’t afford to mess it up.

Arriving at the Regent Theatre she met with James, who introduced her to the musical director Karl Wysell.  “We would like you to audition for Belle for us please,” said Karl, “spend today going over the musical numbers and we will audition you tomorrow.  Feel free to hang around the theatre today and get to know some of the other actors."  

“Thank you, I would like that”, replied Venita, feeling apprehensive at having never been in a big theatre like this.

Soon Venita went and sat down and started looking through the script given to her by Karl.

After a while two other people joined her in the stalls and introduced themselves as Harrison Braithwaite and Megan Forsyth.  “We had our auditions yesterday,” said Harrison, “I auditioned for the Beast and my wife here auditioned for Belle.  Now it’s the waiting game," he laughed.

Harrison could sense Venita was nervous, “Just relax.  They won’t bite," he offered.

“Thanks…” said Venita, now feeling even more nervous, she could tell Harrison and Megan were far more experienced than she was.

The next day Venita got her call to audition.  It went well and Karl looked suitably impressed.  “We are not going to decide for a few days, so if there is any way you could stay in town a couple more days that would be great,” said Karl.

Venita agreed to stay on a couple more days after she called home and also her boss at work.

As Venita was about to leave the theatre Harrison called out to her, “We are all off for a drink over the road if you care to join us?” he asked, beckoning her over.  Venita gave a wave out and said she would meet them in a few minutes, as she wanted to go back to the hotel and freshen up first.

As Venita got ready and let down her pretty long red hair, she felt happy.  This was the life she so craved, these were the sort of people she wanted to be around.  Hurriedly she got ready and made her way to the bar.

Some of the actors were starting to leave as Venita arrived but Harrison and Megan and three others were still there.

“What can I get you to drink?’ quizzed Harrison as he pulled out a chair for her.  “Oh thank you.  A glass of white wine would be lovely”, smiled Venita as she took a seat.  

“You have beautiful hair Venita…” Megan said as she introduced Venita to the other three members of the theatre company, “I bet you are feeling anxious.  We all are”.  “Its part and parcel of this game”, said Chris who was one of the out-of-towners who had auditioned, “Very much so”, said Venita giving him a smile.

It ended up being a lovely evening.  Everyone relaxed and had a meal before leaving.  Venita really enjoyed the conversation and hearing about what other productions the others had been involved in. Venita excitedly told her new friends she had seen ‘Les Miserables’ and ‘Cats’ recently in Sydney.  To her surprise Venita found that Harrison and Megan both had roles in Les Miserables when it toured New Zealand.  This made her feel quite inexperienced compared to everyone else, but she realised everyone had to start somewhere.

Two days later everyone was summoned back to the theatre to find out who had been cast.

Venita held her breath as the names were called out.  Sadly she didn’t get one of the lead roles.  The role of Belle went to Megan and the role of the Beast to Harrison.  Both had so much more experience than Venita and she was happy for them.  

At the end Karl called out eight names for minor roles and Venita was offered a place in the chorus.  She accepted on the spot and was happy to have got just a small part.

Karl took Venita aside before she left the theatre.  “Your day will come Venita.  You just need to get more experience.   Your voice is stunning but you need the poise and discipline of an experienced performer, which comes with time,” he said with a reassuring touch on her shoulder.  

Venita smiled at Karl and told him she was grateful just to be selected.

At least she was in the production; quite a few had missed out so Venita returned home happy.  She had a wonderful opportunity to learn more about professional theatre and a chance to make new friends.

A couple of months later Venita packed up her belongings and said goodbye to her parents.  It was time for her to move down to Dunedin for the next couple of months for rehearsals then the show would be going on the road on a three month tour.  Although Venita was excited, she was concerned about leaving her parents for so long.  Her brother Tim promised to come and check on them at weekends which helped relieve her worry to some degree.

Venita managed to get shared accommodation in a flat with other performers.  This was something quite new to her as she had been living at home with her parents.  Fending for herself was going to be a new experience.

The days were long and rehearsals were demanding but Venita knew it would be this way for a professional show.  There were highs and lows but opening night was something she knew she would always remember.  This was her first big chance, even though she was only in the chorus she was determined to do well.  This could be her chance to shine and eventually lead to bigger roles.

Touring the country for three months was tiring and the troop only had one rest day a week.  Most of the performers kept a low profile and rested up. Venita started to feel at ease and soon made some great new friends that she knew would be lifelong.

All too soon the tour was over.  Venita felt sad it was at an end and she would be returning home shortly.  She was sad to say goodbye to all her new friends.  

Just before leaving Karl asked Venita to apply for an audition for the following next year’s run of 'Oklahoma'.  “You have done so well in Beauty and the Beast’ that I would like to audition you again next year for a bigger role in ‘Oklahoma,’ if you are available.  You will need to work hard this year and get involved in your local productions to help your experience of course,” said Karl.  Venita gave him a big smile, “I would love the opportunity,” she replied as she surprised him with a hug.

During the next few months Venita kept herself busy and managed to score the lead in the local production of ‘Cinderella’ which ran for three weeks.  It was a breeze compared to all the work that went into ‘Beauty and the Beast'.  Venita also kept in touch with Karl via email and text so was able to keep up to date with what other productions were going on.

Almost a year after ‘Beauty and the Beast’ opened in Dunedin Venita received an email from Karl inviting her to go to Dunedin again to audition for 'Oklahoma'.   Venita excitedly made arrangements to go, while trying hard not to expect too much.

On her arrival at the Regent Theatre Venita saw a few familiar old faces including Harrison.  Harrison rushed over to Venita and gave her a hug, “I wasn’t sure if you were auditioning again.  It's good to see you Venita,” he said.  “Karl invited me so here I am again.  Where is Megan?” replied Venita, looking around for her.  Harrison frowned slightly, “Oh she is at home…She is not auditioning this time around.”  

“Oh that’s a shame, I will miss her.  She was very supportive,” replied Venita.  After an awkward pause, Harrison replied, “I will explain more later.  Shall we meet up for a coffee after auditions?”  Venita smiled and patted him gently on the shoulder, “Sure I would like that.  Break a leg”.  Harrison laughed as he made his way to the stage.

Venita sat at the back of the theatre and watched Harrison’s audition.  “How marvellous he is”, she thought.  She thought about how wonderful it would be to be playing the part of Laurey, and sing and dance alongside him.  She then shook her head, telling herself she mustn’t get such silly ideas.

An hour later Karl called her name out.  Suddenly she felt completely calm and at ease as she walked out on to the stage.

“I want you to read for the part of Annie and then Laurey please”, called out Karl, “just take your time," he added with a reassuring smile.

The audition went well.  Venita knew she had done her best.  Now she had to wait a couple of days to see how it went.

Harrison was waiting for Venita after she left the stage, “Come on, let’s go and have a catch up coffee”.  “Sure”, replied Venita feeling relaxed now it was over.

Harrison and Venita headed across the road to a café where most of the dancers tended to hang out.

“Would you like a coffee or glass of wine?” asked Harrison as they entered.  “Oh a wine would be lovely, thank you.  That’s if you have time”, replied Venita.

Harrison returned with two glasses of red wine and as he handed one to Venita he said, “Sorry I did not ask if you wanted red or white…”  “Red is just fine thank you Harrison,” smiled Venita as she took her glass.

“Well how have you been?  It's been a year since we were all here for 'Beauty and the Beast'”, said Harrison while taking a sip of wine.  “Yes good thanks, nothing startling happening…I was lead in our local production of Cinderella which was fun.  How about you?”

“Well…” said Harrison picking up his glass, “where do I start?” he took another mouthful, put the glass down and slunk back into the booth, “Megan has given up acting.  In fact she has given up on almost everything except painting…” he ventured.  “Oh really that’s so sad…” said Venita, not quite sure what to say.  

The two sat in silence for some time.  After a while Harrison sighed, “As it happens Megan was in the early stages of pregnancy when we did 'Beauty and the Beast'.  Not long after it finished we went on holiday to the Gold Coast.  When we were there Megan was quite unwell.  We actually didn’t know for sure she was pregnant.  After we returned home Megan went to her doctor who sent her for a scan.”  Venita listened quietly.  “Things were not right with the pregnancy and when Megan was two months pregnant she miscarried…”

Harrison looked quite upset and Venita leant over and touched his arm, “I am dreadfully sorry to hear this.  How truly upsetting for you both,” she said.  “Thanks,” said Harrison, trying to compose himself, “It was nine months ago and since then everything has turned to hell. Megan blames her dancing for this and wants nothing more to do with it and pretty much nothing to do with me.  We are at the point of separation sadly…” he added.  

“Give her time Harrison; it would have been a huge thing for Megan.  She will come around, you need to hang in there,” said Venita giving him a smile.  Harrison gave her a weak smile in return, “I am trying, but it’s hard. Let’s talk about something else now.”

For the next half hour they made idle chit-chat before heading off on their separate ways.

Venita felt sad.  She liked Harrison and Megan and hoped to continue to be friends with them if she got selected for 'Oklahoma'.

Two days had passed since auditions and Karl called the people in who auditioned.  “You all did well and it’s been hard, but I am casting Harrison in the lead role of Curly and Venita is going to play the part of Laurey.  Well done all of you.  The full list will be up on the notice board,” he announced. “Venita can I see you for a few moments please?’ he added.  Venita nodded, not quite believing what had just happened.

Harrison came over to her, “Well done you, you deserve this break,” he said smiling at Venita.  “Do you think I am ready for this…?” asked Venita with her stomach in a knot.  

“Yes I do, you will be just great.  Got to go now, see you at rehearsals,” Harrison replied.

Karl walked over to Venita as Harrison left, “You can do this Venita.  I have absolute faith in your abilities.  This is your chance to shine, I have your back and I will mentor you,” Karl said as he took her hand to reassure her.

Karl was very supportive of his actors and went out if his way to coach them and make them feel comfortable.  He had spent all his adult life in musical theatre and had been involved in some major productions such as 'The Phantom of the Opera' and 'Les Miserables' overseas.  At the age of thirty-eight he had decided he preferred to be on the production side of things.

Venita went back home for a couple of months and then it was time to make preparations to go back to Dunedin.

She was fully aware this was going to be a demanding role and she had to give it her all and prove to everyone she could do it.  She didn’t want to let Harrison down either.  He was an experienced performer and he was used to working with actresses of the calibre of his wife Megan.

Karl was very supportive as he coached Venita through her steps.  The days were long and tiring.  Sometimes Venita would go back to the room she was renting in a flat so worn out she didn’t even have the energy to eat dinner.

Had she taken on too much too soon? Venita sometimes wondered.  Harrison was always there to guide her but she didn’t want to rely on him too much.  Harrison and Megan had separated and he had a lot on his mind, Venita didn’t want to add to his stress.

All too soon opening night was upon them.  Karl came to visit Venita in her dressing room.  

“Break a leg Venita, you are talented and I know you will do well tonight.  We all have faith in your abilities,” said Karl as he gave her a little kiss on the cheek.

Venita need not have worried, that night the cast were given a standing ovation.  Venita’s parents had driven down to Dunedin for opening night and were openly proud of their daughter.  It was a magical evening that Venita would remember for the rest of her life.

Venita was able to invite her parents to the opening night party.  Tomorrow was a rest day and she would be able to spend some time with her parents before they headed home.

Both Karl and Harrison were introduced to Venita’s family and they were full of praise for her acting and singing ability.  “You have a very talented daughter here Mr and Mrs Struthers”, said Karl.  

“Hush Karl, you are embarrassing me," said Venita as he chuckled.  Karl then moved on to congratulate Harrison.  Once he had left Venita’s mother whispered to her, “Oh he is a very nice man, Venita”.  

“Yes he is lovely mother, but don’t get any ideas,” she replied blushing slightly.

The following weekend the troupe packed up for their New Zealand tour.  It was going to be three months on the road; living out of a suitcase for that long wasn’t easy, as well as fitting in a tight rehearsal schedule.

The troupe was a friendly group of young people and Venita shared a room in most centres with Livvy.  Livvy had been a dancer with the group for four years and lived in Dunedin.  She was engaged to Josh who was one of the stage managers. They were a lovely couple and Venita would hang out with them quite often.  Sometimes Harrison would join them.  

A week into the tour Harrison asked Venita if she would go and see a film with him.  Venita thought for a few minutes until Harrison assured her it was alright, “Megan and I are legally separated now so it’s all above board I assure you.”  Venita felt embarrassed, “Oh…sure that’s fine…I would like that, thanks,” she replied.

After returning from the movie the following week Venita had a chat to Livvy, “Do you think it’s alright me going to see a film with Harrison?  I kind of felt awkward about it, he is such a nice guy and I appreciate he is lonely since he and Megan broke up but I just want to do the right thing,” said Venita looking at her friend for approval.  Livvy gave her a reassuring smile, “Of course silly.  You are fine; no one is going to judge you.  Megan and Harrison are done and dusted,” said Livvy trying to assure her friend.  “Ok…I just don’t want people talking,” replied Venita as she got ready for bed.

The troupe had been on the road over a month before Harrison invited Venita out again.  “Can we do dinner tonight after the performance?” Harrison asked as he and Venita exited the stage.  “That would be nice seeing as we don’t have a performance tomorrow.  I will just go and change”, she replied with a smile.

Harrison and Venita made their way down the road to a little bistro.  Harrison ordered an antipasto platter and a couple of glasses of red wine.

They had finished up their food and had a couple of drinks when they realized they had been chatting for two hours.  “I had better get back to the flat, it’s after one,” said Venita.  Harrison looked at his watch, “Sorry gosh…where did the time go?  I feel so comfortable with you, can we do this again?” he asked as he looked at her earnestly.  “That would be nice…” replied Venita as she stood up and put on her coat.  “I will walk you,” said Harrison as he pulled out Venita’s chair.

Once they arrived at her flat Venita turned to Harrison, “I had a lovely evening, thanks for asking me.”  

“My pleasure.  Enjoy your rest day tomorrow and I will see you Tuesday,” he replied before walking off into the night.

Venita felt happy.  Life felt good and she was enjoying Harrison’s company.

On Tuesday at rehearsals Karl called Venita into his office, “Let’s have a chat.”  Venita started to worry that he had some issue with her performance.  Karl pulled out a seat for Venita to sit on as she walked into his office.  “What’s wrong?  You look serious Karl…what have I done wrong?” she asked anxiously.  

“Calm down it's alright; I am just concerned for you.  You are brilliant performer and I don’t want to see you get hurt.  I care too much about you to stand by and see that happen…there, I have said it,” said Karl looking a bit flushed.  

“What are you referring to Karl?” enquired Venita.  “I understand you are going out with Harrison…” he replied, trying not to meet her eyes.  

“Well, actually it’s my business I feel, but for your information we are not going out as such…We are good friends and we have been for a drink, had dinner and been to a movie, I would not class that as 'going out.'”  

There was a stony silence for a moment before Karl replied, “Oh…I'm sorry I did not mean to infer…I just thought maybe he and Megan may get back together in time and I did not want to see you get hurt…”

Venita shot Karl a look, “I am not stupid and I won’t get hurt.  As I said we are friends.  People should mind their own business,” she said angrily as she got up and stormed out of Karl’s office.  Karl called out to Venita, “It was not my intention to upset you!”

Venita didn’t turn back.  This was the one thing she wanted to avoid, and it bothered her hearing it from Karl.

She decided not to tell Harrison about the conversation with Karl when they went for a drink later in the week after a show.

“Are you alright?” he asked, “you look a bit preoccupied,” as he reached for Venita’s hand.  Venita didn’t pull away and let him take her hand in his.  She sighed, “I am just tired.  Two more weeks and we can all have a rest, I'm looking forward to going home for a bit,” said Venita hoping to get a response from Harrison.  

‘Yeah we all need down time don’t we?  I am off to see my family for a week as well and then maybe pop over to Sydney for a couple of weeks,” he replied.  

“Oh I see…” Venita muttered, wondering if Harrison might ask her to go to Sydney as well.

Venita decided to let it go, she would see Harrison when they returned from holiday.  Both were now permanent members of the troop and Venita had made a permanent move to Dunedin after Karl assured her she would be getting more roles in future productions.

On the last night of 'Oklahoma' everyone went out to celebrate.  It was a great evening; Venita had dances with Harrison, Karl and Livvy’s boyfriend.

The next day Venita caught an early flight home.  Her parents were not at the airport as promised to meet her.  Venita was in total panic; she tried her brother Tim’s phone and did not get a reply.   She really didn’t know what to do.  After an hour of waiting she decided to catch a cab home.  On arrival at home she could see a police car out the front of her parents’ house.  Venita quickly paid the taxi driver, grabbed her bag and ran into the house.  There she found her mother crying uncontrollably with her father trying to comfort her.

“Dad, what’s going on?  What's the matter?” said Venita rushing to their side.  A young constable walked over to Venita and asked who she was.  “I am their daughter.  What the hell is going on here?  Would someone please tell me?” she cried.  

“Please sit down,” replied the young constable, “I am very sorry to inform you of this but there has been an accident and your brother Tim was killed this morning on his way to work…” 

Venita did not hear any more of what he said, she simply screamed.  Venita’s father made his way over to his daughter, “it's true love”.  Venita shook her head, “How?  Why?  How could this happen?” she cried.

After a silence the policeman said, “I’m afraid a car went through a stop sign and hit your brother’s car.  I am very sorry for your loss.”  Tears streamed down her face and those of her parents, “This cannot be, not my lovely Tim…He had so much to live for…this is just not fair.”  

 “Life is unfair at times darling, we need to be strong for your Mother and help her right now,” said Venita’s father as he held his daughter.

That night Venita cried herself to sleep.  She knew she had to be strong and help her parents but also knew life would not ever be the same again without her younger brother in it.  They were good friends and always kept in touch with emails or texts while Venita away.

Tim had been doing well at University; he had a lovely girlfriend and great friends.  This was a cruel blow for the family.

Venita decided she would text Harrison to tell him about what happened.  Venita got a quick reply in which Harrison said he was sorry for her loss but little else.  The next day Venita decided to call him but he didn’t answer the phone.  Venita tried a couple more times but with no luck.

After some thought she decided to text Karl.  Immediately Venita’s phone rang, “Why didn’t you tell me straight away?  I would have come, you need support…” he asked anxiously.  “I didn’t want to bother you…” replied Venita.  She didn’t want to tell Karl she tried to call Harrison to no avail.  “Look, I will get on the next plane and I won’t take no for an answer.  See you soon, I will call you when I land,” Karl said.

Venita didn’t have the strength to argue, she was grateful to be getting some support after all.

When Venita’s parents heard Karl was coming they asked him to stay at their house.  Venita went out to the airport in her Dads car and picked up Karl.  “My parents have invited you to stay and you can’t refuse or you will offend them,” she said quickly as they hugged.  

“Thank you, I don’t want to put anyone out,” he replied.  “You can help out if you want…that would be appreciated.  Mum and Dad like you so it’s all good.”

Karl did wonder why Harrison was not there but decided not to ask Venita.

The funeral was a big affair.  Lots of Tim’s university friends and school friends were there.  It was a difficult day and Karl really supported the family and helped out with all the arrangements.

Venita soon realised she could not have managed without Karl’s help.  He was kind, gentle man and really seemed to care about others.

Venita felt she should let Karl go back to Dunedin but explained to him she needed to stay on for another three weeks to help her parents sort out Tim’s affairs.  “You have been amazing Karl, but I must let you get back to the Theatre.  I know there is always so much for you to do and I should not hold you up any longer,” said Venita gently one day as they went for a walk.  

 “I can stay another week if you want me to but if you don’t need me then I will get on a flight back tomorrow,” Karl replied.  Venita put her arm through his, “Of course I need you.  If you can spare another week then that would be wonderful.  I know Mum and Dad appreciate having you here.”  

 Karl smiled at her, “Well it’s settled then, how about I cook dinner for us all this evening and maybe we could share a bottle of wine.  You all need some looking after these past few days and I am happy to help.”

Over the next week Karl helped Venita’s father sort out some of Tim’s belongings, it was too painful for Venita and her mother to deal with.  Karl was a godsend and really fitted into the family scene without being overbearing Venita felt.

Venita had tried several times to call Harrison but his phone appeared to be either switched off or on answer phone. She decided to let it go.  Harrison for one reason or another did not want to be contactable so there was no point her worrying about it.

When Karl left Venita felt sad, she realised she how much she was going to miss him.  “What a shame Karl had to go back, I am sure you will miss his support Venita,” said her mother, “He is a very kind man” she added.  

“Yes he is and a very good friend, nothing more mother so don’t let your imagination run away with you.  He is ten years older and he is only interested in me as a friend anyway,” replied Venita.  

“I would not be too sure of that my girl…give it time,” the older woman said with a smile on her face.

Venita tried put her conversation with her mother out of her head but did couldn't help noticed how much she missed Karl’s company.

Over the next couple of weeks Venita helped her family come to terms with what had happened and they spent a lot of quite time together, talking about Tim and how special he was.  It was a healing process for them all and Venita took comfort in the fact she was able to spend so much time with her parents. 

On arrival back in Dunedin Venita decided to go straight to the theatre to thank Karl for all he had done to help.  As she knocked on his office door it opened and out walked Harrison, he looked quite taken aback to see Venita.  “Hi Venita, sorry I am in a rush…will catch up with you soon,” said Harrison as he rushed by.

Venita didn’t get chance to say anything.

Karl noticed the confused look on Venita’s face and ushered her into his office.  “Take a seat; it's so good to see you again. How are you and how are your parents coping?” Karl said as he sat Venita down.  

“Thank you Karl.  They are doing better…but what's with Harrison?” Venita quizzed.  

“Oh, you don’t know?” replied Karl looking a bit taken by surprise.  

“Know what?” said Venita full of curiosity.  

“Harrison has resigned from the company.  He and Megan are back together and will be heading off to Sydney to work.  I thought he would have told you seeing you were good friends…” said Karl looking a bit surprised.  

“No, I have not heard from him for about five weeks.  I didn’t know anything of this,” she murmured, feeling her face blush with embarrassment, “Anyway I had better head off and unpack, I will see you on Monday, I want to audition for My Fair Lady…” Venita said distractedly as she headed for the door.  

“How about dinner tomorrow night Venita?” Karl asked as Venita made her way out into the theatre.  

“Can I call you tomorrow?  I am a bit tired right now…” Venita called back.

Venita couldn't help notice that Karl looked a bit dejected.  He had been so good to her, she felt bad being off hand but she was taken aback about Harrison, especially when he had not had the decency to even tell her what was going on.

After a good night’s sleep Venita felt better but she still felt bad she had been off hand with Karl so she hopped out of bed and called him straight away.  

“I am sorry I was a bit rude yesterday, and yes I would love to have dinner with you tonight if you still want to…?” Venita said, trying to sound bright and chirpy.  

“Lovely, I will make a booking and pick you up at seven,” replied an obviously happy Karl.

Venita decided she would dress up and make a real effort to look nice. She was going to put Harrison behind her and move on. 

When Karl arrived to pick Venita up he was full of compliments as to how elegant she looked with her black cocktail dress and hair tied lightly back.

Unbeknownst to her, Karl had always admired Venita from afar.  He thought she had poise and elegance, and outshone a lot of the other actresses.  He had not had a woman in his life for almost some time and felt he was too busy and preoccupied to really get involved again.  His relationship with his previous girlfriend had ended badly and he was not keen to get hurt in a hurry again.  

Over the past few weeks he had felt drawn to Venita, especially after spending time with her and her family following the death of Venita’s brother.

Karl was nervous, he didn’t want to ruin their friendship but he felt so close to Venita.  He didn’t want to risk losing her from the company either, as Venita was starting to get a good fan base and was proving to be a very good actress.

Venita knew she felt comfortable around Karl.  He was wise, gentle and kind.  He had the patience of a saint and was never forceful and pushy with the actors.  He was held in very high regard in the company.

That evening Karl and Venita had a lovely dinner together and on the short walk back to the car Karl reached for Venita’s hand.  Venita felt comfortable and didn’t feel any reason to pull away.  When they reached Venita’s flat he kissed her on the cheek and said he would see her at the theatre the next day.

Venita found herself wondering if Karl would ask her out again.  Secretly she hoped he would.  About a week later Karl called her over after rehearsal and asked her to go for a drink.  Venita happily agreed.

Over drinks they both relaxed and made plans to go for a drive and a picnic on the Sunday coming.

On the day of the picnic the weather was beautiful, and Venita and Karl took a long walk on the beach before returning to the car for lunch.  Both of them looked happy, they were comfortable in each other's company.

Over the next year Venita and Karl's relationship blossomed.  They didn’t rush it, and sometimes Karl would bring up the age difference.  Venita always made him change the subject and said as long as they were happy age did not matter.

After dating for sixteen months Karl proposed to Venita.  They had a three month engagement and were married in a little white church in Dunedin while the company was on break.  Quite a few of the theatre company attended the wedding.

The both looked so happy and Venita’s parents were overjoyed to see their daughter so in love.

Venita kept acting and dancing for the next two years after their marriage, but then decided to stop to see if they could have a family.  A year later twin girls were born and the couple named them Lucy and Abby.   As soon as the little girls were old enough Venita returned to the theatre as Karl’s assistant.  She still did the odd little bit of acting but she had finally found the role that was the most important in her life, that of wife and mother.

Stages is a story from our columnist Kay Rayner. Read more from Kay Rayner here