GrownUps New Zealand

Lynn McConnell – GrownUps Columnist

A journalist since completing training at Wellington Polytechnic, now part of Massey University’s School of Journalism, Lynn has had two stints on The Southland Times (the second 10 years as Sports Editor), the Marlborough Express and the now-defunct Evening Post (Wellington).

In 2000 Lynn took up the position of New Zealand editor of based in Christchurch.

In 2005, he was appointed senior editor of Sportal New Zealand, based in Auckland.

While sport has been the preoccupation of Lynn’s journalistic life, he has had an interest in history, politics, geography and world events. An avid movie-goer and a lover of all sorts of music, Lynn has written a number of excellent books on various sports and on episodes in the Second World War.

Currently, a free-lance contributor to the VSL websites and social media and still an extremely astute judge of all things sporting.

Lynn writes for GrownUps, courtesy of Golden Oldies & Vintage Sports Tours.