GrownUps New Zealand

A fulfilling year

Whether you are retired, thinking of retiring or fully employed, this period of time represents a change in pace, focus and activities for all of us. It is valuable to spend some time thinking and planning the best type of holiday so that you will have the resources to make 2018 everything you want.

Here are some ideas to help make that happen…

Get Clear on your Focus.

What do you really want to do for your holidays? What would make it a memorable time? Will you do this with friends or family? Will you spend some time alone? Do you want it to be spiritually meaningful? Do you have an adventurous trip planned? Is it about giving? Or do you want to keep it simple and aim for rest and relaxation?

Whatever your focus, choose a theme and remember it daily so that your decisions and actions throughout the holiday reflect what you have wished for.

Get your To Do List out of your head and written down.

When you put your to do’s into a system you know what you want to do next. Recording it whether, on paper, a computer or a smartphone helps to make it clearer to you and to unclutter your mind.

It is also useful to reflect on the last year. What went well? What are you proud of? And what did you worry about that never actually happened? What was difficult but you got through it? What particular qualities did you display?

You may want to make a list of what you want to complete in 2015 personally and professionally then choose your top priorities daily. This way you will free up time to get things done and enjoy the holidays.

Set your Holiday Budget

Avoid starting a new year feeling bad. Decide on a budget and stick to it. There are lots of options to create a special holiday without adding stress to the budget. Plan get-togethers with friends or family that are easy on the wallet, such as celebrating at home where people bring a dish.

Don’t let a tight budget make it a joyless time. Make it fun!

“It is not how much you do but how much love you put into doing it.” Mother Teresa

Simplify and Set Boundaries

While maintaining your focus, review your list and decide what you can eliminate, put off until later or delegate. This season is busy. So especially now be kind to yourself.

Also, remember to set boundaries. Look back at your focus and try to say ‘no’ to offers that do not support the focus. Spend more time with people who will support and encourage you in what you want. Create blocks of time for ‘doing’ and ‘enjoying’.

Take Action Daily

We feel anxiety worrying about the future and all the things that need to be done. Inaction and ‘putting off’ go hand in hand with anxiety. Whereas action leads to greater peace of mind. So the best solution is to begin! Take one small step, then another, build momentum, get things done, relax and enjoy the holidays the way you choose.

My warmest wishes for a joyous Christmas and may 2015 be everything you wish and strive for.


“For every minute spent in organising, an hour is earned. “ Benjamin Franklin


By Ron Trustin

Read more from Ron here