GrownUps New Zealand

9 easy ways to live more sustainably

While the concept of sustainable living can sound overwhelming, it’s less about sacrificing luxuries and more about being aware of what you consume, and where it comes from. And the good news is that with a few easy lifestyle tweaks you can reduce unnecessary waste and help contribute to building a happier, healthier planet.

Shop sustainable

While it’s tempting to snap up deals at your local Countdown store, if you keep tabs on the amount of packaging you go through you’ll likely be shocked. That’s why we love concepts like GoodFor, Auckland’s sustainable shopping solution that’s changing the way Kiwis stock up. From flour, herbs and spices to coffee, tea and grains, GoodFor is New Zealand’s first zero plastic, zero waste bulk wholefoods store.

DIY garden

Whether you have the luxury of a spacious back garden or only have a few square metres of deck to work with, growing your own produce is one of the easiest and most satisfying ways to live more sustainably.

BYO vessels

There are so many ways you can reduce your footprint simply by supplying your own vessels in everyday scenarios. Like to enjoy a takeaway coffee? Why not bring your own travel mug? You can also offer to supply Tupperware when ordering takeaway, carry around a metal straw, remember to bring your reusable bags to the supermarket and of course, swap plastic water bottles for a reusable one.

Embrace your freezer

Food waste is a huge issue in New Zealand, with an estimated 230,000 tonnes of food sent to landfill every year. From a financial perspective, this costs the nation $872 million p/a. One of the easiest ways to avoid contributing to waste is to embrace your freezer. From leftovers and wilting veg to herbs and shredded cheese, you’d be surprised at how well some things keep in the freezer.

Catch public transport

Sure, buses and trains still chew up fuel and electricity. But your footprint is certainly much smaller than if you drove to your destination. Cities like Auckland and Wellington have fantastic public transport, so why not take advantage? Not only is it cheaper but it’s also eco-friendlier.

Eat less meat

While we love a good shank of New Zealand lamb as much as the next person, there’s no denying that meat does take its toll on the environment. While you don’t have to go vegetarian, becoming a conscious meat eater is a great way to minimise your environmental footprint. Even just one meat-free night a week can make a difference and will encourage you to embrace tasty, healthy substitutes like quinoa, couscous and lentils.

Pay attention to labels

From shade-grown coffee to fair trade clothing, there are some clear leaders when it comes to sustainable goods. Paying attention to labels and looking out for certain endorsements can make a big difference when it comes to minimising your impact on both wildlife and the planet.

Buy in season

Another big one is to buy in season. New Zealand produces some pretty darn delicious crops, so why not enjoy them and support Kiwi farmers in the process? Sorry mango lovers, but tropical fruit in the middle of winter just isn’t sustainable. Instead learn to love your local farmers market, or at least look for NZ grown produce at your go-to supermarket. This is a great guide to seasonal availability. You can also make an effort to buy organic whenever possible. It might cost a little more, but it keeps harmful pesticides out of the land, the water and ultimately, your body.

Make the switch to energy efficient

If you haven’t already, making the switch to energy-efficient bulbs is one of the easiest ways to cut down your eco-footprint. Check out Energywise for even more tips on how to “greenify” your home.


Do you have any easy tips on sustainable living?