GrownUps New Zealand

The Oily Rag alternative budget

Last week the Government released its Budget, so we thought we would have the Minister of Oily Rag Finance deliver an alternative budget. The first paragraph of that budget speech went like this:

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today, my fellow citizens, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, hold true to the dream – a dream deeply rooted in the pockets of our people. The dream that one day we will have enough money to provide food on the table and takeaways on a Friday for our families, shoes for our children and cozy slippers for everyone else – and a warmth in our homes equal to the warmth of our humanity.”

The transformational policy positions announced included:

The Minister’s speech concluded with these words: “My fellow citizens, these are brave and forward thinking initiatives – ask not what others can do for you, ask what you can do for yourself; ask not what the Budget will do for your family, but what together we can do for all families. And don’t forget to vote for the Frugality Party on 23 September so we can make your frugal endeavours something your children and their children will be proud of.”

Commentators reported that the Oily Rag Budget was the best budget ever, anywhere in the world – enlightened and inspirational, yet grounded in the reality of life today and the possibilities of tomorrow.

By Frank and Dr Muriel Newman.

Read more Oily Rag articles here.

You can contact the Oily Rag community via the website at or by writing to Living off the Smell of an Oily Rag, PO Box 984, Whangarei.