GrownUps New Zealand

How to eat daikon

If you’ve been to a farmers market recently chances are you will have seen daikon in the vegetable stalls. Daikon is also known by many other names depending on context, is a mild-flavored winter radish usually characterised by fast-growing leaves and a long, white, napiform root. Originally native to Southeast or continental East Asia.

The radishes are fairly inexpensive to buy $1.50 at our market and are huge. Here are a few ways to use these unusual vegetables.


Get into the fermenting crazy and make some gut loving fermented daikon

Grate the daikon making sure you don’t use any “woody” bits. Combine with the salt in a bowl and pound gently with a wooden device (a meat hammer or a pestle) to release the juice. Place in a small mason jar and press down with the hammer so the juices rise to the surface. DON’T fill to

Place in a small mason jar and press down with the hammer so the juices rise to the surface. Don’t fill to the brim because it will expand. Leave at room temperature for a few days (2-3, less if warm weather), then refrigerate.

Enjoy as a side condiment with all meals.

Cut into chips

Cut into thin slices and coat with olive oil and salt then roast at 180C for 15 minutes or until cooked.

Grate and add to salads or make fritters

Add a whole egg, and a few tablespoons of flour and fresh herbs such as parsley, mix together well. Then pan fry in some coconut oil and.. you’re done!