GrownUps New Zealand

Hokey pokey

It’s a Kiwi’s right of passage to make hokey pokey when we’re kids. The sweet treat is easy to make and never fails to impress when the baking soda is added.

Prep time: 1 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes



Grease a cooking tray and set aside.Combine sugar and golden syrup in a pot and stir over a low heat until sugar is dissolved

Combine sugar and golden syrup in a pot and stir over a low heat until sugar is dissolved

Turn up the heat, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat as soon as mixture boils.

Add baking soda. The mixture will froth up at this stage and turn a nice creamy golden colour. Stir quickly to make sure it is all combined and then turn out onto the greased tray.

Stir quickly to make sure it is all combined and then turn out onto the greased tray.

Break into pieces when set. Make sure you store your hokey pokey in an air tight container if it’s not going to be eaten on the day.

Crumble up and add to desserts, add it into cakes or brownies or enjoy it on its own.