GrownUps New Zealand

Go Go Gadget

11162 mando

I love a kitchen gadget. Cooking is a passion and a source of relaxation and to be fair, I do use all the bits and bobs in my collection regularly (except perhaps the pasta machine, but it is great fun when I get it out). 

Recently I was invited to a Tupperware event to release their collection for 2015. While there is an embargo in place for most of the range, the lovely lady running the event did let me have a go on a very whizzy piece of equipment, which I can see myself having an awful lot of fun with – the Mandochef.

For all the time I’ve spent in the kitchen, I’ve never managed to master the art of chopping at warp speed, no matter how many times I’ve watched the YouTube clips. Maybe I value my fingers too much to really let go and get into it!

I’m not sure I need to after trying the MandoChef, which is a relief; something I can cross off my to do list. In a matter of seconds, I managed to create perfectly uniform chips in several shapes (much to the delight of my small people), grated a stack of veges in no time, without so much as grazing a knuckle. You simply skewer the vegetable of your choice on the handle and run it up and down the device. You can adjust the thickness with the turn of a dial. All in all, I can see it saving a lot of time and making great cullnary presentation a doddle.

It became a bit of a game, but a tasty one, and my kids tried several vegetables raw that they hadn’t before, simply because they were in pretty shapes.

It’s breeze to rinse off and change the attachments and folds into a very neat package for storage.

I put together a very easy and healthy macaroni cheese in next to no time (I also did a grownup, lower carb version using the same sauce). This is a family favourite of ours – try it and see what you think.

Ingredients: (use pasta for active kids and adults, or courgette ribbons in place of pasta for weight-conscious grownups)

1 cup pasta (or two cups courgette ribbons)

2 cups grated vegetables (kumara, carrot, courgette etc)

2 shallots, sliced finely

1 tsp mixed herbs

1/2 cup liquid chicken or vegetable stock

1/2 cup milk

2 tbsp flour

2 tbsp butter

1 1/2 cups grated tasty cheese

1 tsp dijon mustard

salt and pepper

olive oil

Chunky-cut steamed green veges or chopped parsley to serve.


Cook pasta in plenty of boiling salted water. If using courgette ribbons, get a non-stick pan good and hot, splash in some olive oil and flash fry the courgette briefly with a good sprinkle of salt and pepper, until it just softens.

For the sauce:

Melt butter with flour and cook, stirring constantly, for a couple of minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the mustard, then stock and milk gradually, stirring frequently. Add cheese and mix until the sauce is smooth. If it is too thick for your liking, add a little more stock and milk. (The stock keeps the sauce much lighter and saves on calories).

In another pan, heat some olive oil and add the mixed herbs (if you like, you could add a crushed garlic clove or pinch of chilli powder here, but it depends on your tastebuds). One they become fragrant, add the shallots and stir for a minute or so and then the other vegetables. Season.

To serve, pour the sauce over ribbons or pasta and garnish with chunky green vegetables. For a non-vegetarian option, dig out some of the left-over Christmas ham or shred some cooked chicken through it. Enjoy!