GrownUps New Zealand

Gluten-free Anzacs

ANZAC Day is a special day for New Zealand and Australia – it is a day to reflect on co-operation, commitment and friendship. Along with the poppy, one of the enduring symbols of ANZAC Day has become the humble Anzac biscuit – simple, tasty and loved by generations.

For those with special dietary requirements, the folks at Chelsea have come up with a gluten-free version of our favourite addition to a cup of tea. Whip up a batch today and share them with your favourite people.

You will need:


Preheat your oven to 160°C. Mix flours, xanthem gum (if you have it), cinnamon, Chelsea Organic Coconut Sugar, shredded coconut and rolled oats in a bowl.

Melt butter and Chelsea Golden Syrup together. Then add the baking soda with boiling water in a cup.

Next, mix both butter and baking soda mixtures together in a large bowl. Add flour mixture and lightly mix.

Grease an oven tray. Then get a couple of teaspoonfuls of the mixture in your hand to roll into a ball and then put this on the greased tray. Repeat until you fill your tray with these balls of the mixture. Then press each ball with a fork (keep them about 1cm thick). Allow room for biscuits to spread (so place balls about 2cm apart from each other).

Bake for 17 minutes (or slightly longer if you like them chewier). Cool on a wire rack and then store them in an airtight container.