GrownUps New Zealand

Cooking with Kristy – Meatballs & Pasta

1019 meatballssmall

A tasty meal that can be served hot, cold or frozen for another time.

Serves 2-4 servings.


1kg Mince (Pork or Beef)
2 eggs
1 onion
A packet of Spaghetti (optional)
Pasta Sauce with vegetables
Sweet Chilli Sauce (or gravy)
Up to 90g Flour
Up to 90g Butter or alternative
Mixed Herbs or Parsley


Dice an onion.

Heat a saucepan of water on medium heat (bring to boil)

Heat Frypan on a medium heat.

Mix the mince and eggs, together with chopped onion. Continue adding butter and flour and continue mixing.

Continue to mix until firm and then roll into balls of a similar size to a golf ball.

Once your water has come to the boil place your pasta in and set the timer for 8 minutes, depending on how firm you like your pasta.

Place your meatballs into a frypan, with a touch of oil and continue to turn until they darken.

Add your sweet chilli sauce (1 teaspoon per 4 meatballs for a mild 'kick') or gravy and also half a jar of Pasta Sauce if desired.

Continue to simmer for a further 2 minutes.

Cut into the centre of one meatball open to check that they're cooked throughout.

Turn the pan off.

Pasta: once cooked, drain the pasta through a sieve and then place back into the saucepan. Next, quickly add in the remaining half jar of pasta sauce and stir vigorously through the pasta, in the saucepan.

To serve: Place the pasta in a bowl or on a plate and add the meatballs onto the pasta, pouring any additional sauce over the meal.

[Serve alongside steamed vegetables if desired, to help get your 5+ each day].

Place any extra food into plastic containers and either refrigerate or freeze once at room temperature, for eating another day.
