GrownUps New Zealand

Bacon wrapped avocado eggs

Bacon wrapped avocado eggs, it’s hard to think of a better combination of three ingredients.

Use organic free range eggs if you can as free range eggs are high in omega 3.


Drop your eggs into simmering water for exactly 6 minutes. Carefully lift out and place in ice water to cool. Peel your eggs and set aside.

Carefully lift out and place in ice water to cool. Peel your eggs and set aside.

Cut your avocado in half and remove from the skin and take out the stone. Further, scoop out the cavity so it is the same size as your egg. Pop your egg in and enclose your egg with both sides of the avocado.

Roll your sealed avocado in rashers of bacon- they should be as wide as your avocado. Roll.
Wrap 2 more pieces of bacon around the top of the avocado to seal completely.

Fry for 10 minutes or so, turning constantly. Start by frying the loose ends of bacon first!
Get stuck in!