GrownUps New Zealand

Christmas Gifts For Your Tiny People

10389 present grandkids

Children become feverish with anticipation as Christmas approaches, and what presents they are hoping to receive is a hot topic of conversation.

As a grandparent, of course you want to help make their Christmas dreams come true; but there are a few guidelines to remember about gift buying.

Do your Research

It is a very easy conversation starter; ‘what would you like for Christmas?’ It is music to most children’s ears! You can also ask what their friends are hoping for. It is also a good idea to consult with their parents, in case there may be double ups, or very good reasons to avoid certain items on the wish list!

Have a Budget and a Shopping List

Christmas can be a very expensive time of year and children get an awful lot of presents. It may be a good idea to have a family discussion and choose to spend more on birthdays and ease back a little at Christmas. Set an amount you are happy to spend per child and stick to it. Going shopping without a list and a budget is a sure-fire way to spend too much and take far too long about it.

Consumables – Creative and Appreciated

Consumable gifts (art supplies, play dough, iTunes vouchers, movie tickets, food) may be a way to keep everyone happy; kids always love new stationery and things they can use and parents will appreciate not having extra plastic and noise in the house.

Teenage Trepidation

Teenagers are hard to buy for. Their tastes change like the weather and often they seem determined to be underwhelmed. Vouchers can be ideal, but how about introducing them to a new hobby (ie gardening). Maybe a planter box or a selection or pots and plants could inspire a love of gardening and provide them with something constructive to do and harvest!

Many family members default and give teenagers money, but that can be easily frittered. How about a magazine subscription of their choice or a ticket for a show? They may not show it, but most teenagers still really want input from their family, so choose a Christmas present that can involve some interaction – you will both benefit.

Stick to your Guns

It is completely normal to want to please your grandchildren. However, if all they want is violent video games or toys and you don’t approve, then it is okay to say no and buy something different. It is your money after all.

Add an Element of Tradition

You might like to add one small thing each Christmas that becomes a tradition (eg a special Christmas decoration for each child so they can start their own collection). That will set your gift apart from everyone else’s and give the kids something extra to look forward to.