Parents are not issued an instruction manual to guide them on their journey. They must fumble through each and every day and do the best they can to care for, love and guide the little lives they've been entrusted with. Grandparents, too, often find they must fly by the seat of their pants to develop a relationship that is strong, lasting and truly special. Grandparents, however, do have a leg up on the wonderful, rewarding task at hand. They bring experience to the relationship.
Remember your boundaries
Grandparents bring experience, wisdom and knowledge to the relationship, but they are not the parents of the little ones in question. Remember the rules of the road your children set for their own children and respect their decisions. While you can still guide your children and offer advice, do keep the boundaries in mind. This will simply make for a much more enjoyable relationship with your children and your grandchildren, too.
Make yourself available
Make time for your grandchildren and always lend them an ear. Even if you live all the way across the country, half way around the world or work 60-hour weeks, you can still remain in close contact with them by calling on the phone, sending cards and letters and even by engaging in e-mail or computer-facilitated conversations. Let them know you are always thinking of them.
Make your time together special
It doesn't matter if you live next door or around the world, time with your grandchildren should be special. This doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune on elaborate activities if you cannot afford to do so either. Teach a grandchild how to bake cookies or take a fishing trip to the neighbourhood lake for fun and rewarding activities your grandchildren will appreciate. It's the simple things grandparents can do that often create the most special and lasting of memories. This tends to hold true for young grandchildren as well as teens, too. They will benefit more from your time and undivided attention than anything else you can give them.
Celebrate your time together
Perhaps the best gift you can give your grandchildren is letting them know how much you cherish your time together. Parents, as has been the case since the beginning of time, don't often have the luxury to take pause and celebrate the little moments. Grandparents, however, do. Create scrapbooks of your activities, write or record little story books about your grandchildren's visits or just thank them for being them. They will remember this and love you for it.
Just like parents, grandparents are not issued manuals to describe their jobs in detail. To make the most of this experience and ensure that grandchildren know they are valued and loved, give with your heart and spend your time creating the little memories that will last. Unconditional love and undivided attention are the greatest gifts a grandparent can give.