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Mistakes Women Make

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He used to show his love for you in all the wonderful ways. He used to bring you flowers and do crazy things for you. You used to go on adventures together and spend time talking and connecting. You still remember his eyes and the love flowing out of them when he looked at you. He used to be interested in what’s happening with you and who you really are.

But now it’s not the same.  Sometimes it’s boring, sometimes you feel stuck, sometimes you question your relationship. The main point, you just don’t feel his love as intensely as you used to. Why is this happening? Where did the passion and intensity go?

Mistake #1: Blaming him.

I often hear women blaming their partners, accusing them of unacceptable behaviour and a lack of consideration. Women don’t realise that by blaming they imply their own powerlessness in the relationship. What if men just respond to us? What if they stop expressing their love because we stop inspiring them to do so?

Look at your relationship. How often do you blame your partner? Maybe you blame him for not paying enough attention to you and not giving you what you need. 

Ask yourself these questions:

How am I contributing to him not paying enough attention to me? 

Do I do something to push him away? 

Do I act in a controlling way?

Am I scared of him pulling away, which makes me so controlling it repels him? 

Am I spending a lot of time busy in my daily routines and not spending enough time sharing myself with my man thus pushing him away?

The truth is, if we blame we can’t change anything. We go into victim mode and lose all our power. It is as if life happens to us, and we don’t have any say in it. Recognise your power and start inspiring your man to give you the love you desire.

Mistake #2: Trying to change him.

Do you accept your man just the way he is? Quite often we see the things that we would like to be changed in our partner and he becomes our improvement project. Men hate it, they resist and withdraw, retreating into the dark.

Every man wants to be accepted and respected just the way he is. 

I think it’s true for every human being, don’t you want to be accepted and loved just the way you are? What does it mean for you to be accepted just the way you are?

Once a man doesn’t feel accepted and respected, he stops wanting to give his woman the love and attention she desires. He’s not motivated any more to spend time with her and share intimate moments. That’s what goes in his mind: ‘What’s the point? She doesn’t like me the way i am, i can’t make her happy anyway. So why waste time and effort? I’d rather focus on something that I’m successful at.’ 

And even more, men want to be admired for their strength, for who they are and what they do. To inspire him to give you the love you desire, you need to admire him. This can be a big ask. But what can you admire him for? Take a moment now to think about this. Telling him how his strength affects you or how you melt in his arms will definitely re-ignite his love. 

The ability lies within you to create a new future that is bigger, stronger, deeper, and more passionate. Imagine how it would feel to know your man appreciates your erotic beauty and loves and adores you. How would it feel to see the spark of desire in his eyes? To know he sees you as the most gorgeous woman in his life? To be fulfilled by the depth of intimacy in your life?

It is possible to create the relationship you’ve always wanted. Think about it; you can even create life! This is the life you cannot avoid: you were born in a woman’s body. You were given the gift of creativity. You are a powerful, magnetic, and sensual woman. Maybe you just need some help to re-discover your sensuality, step more fully into your power and learn a few secrets to inspire your man to adore you.

Are you ready to start your journey to deeper love? You can do this! Contact me here for more information

By Tarisha Tourok

Re-Ignite Your Love Expert