GrownUps New Zealand

Make The Most Of Now

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If you’ve got little kids then realise this: these are ‘the good old days’. I know there will still be hassles and problems and you’ll get frazzled from time to time, but quite honestly, these can be great years. Don’t let your life get too full – business and career opportunities might come again, but this time when your kids are little won’t wait. Take lots of photos, and remember to go ‘oooh’ and ‘aaah’ a lot. They’ll never be this small or cute again.

Look ahead – the teenage years are coming: Is there a secret for getting through the teenage years? Yes: it’s what you do with your kids right now, during these easier years leading up to adolescence. Perhaps you’re not finding that these years are all that easy – well, I don’t want to scare you, but this stage is a doze under palm trees compared with what’s around the corner in the teen years. When they are little, kids can have problems, but it is so much easier to nip them in the bud,  so that they don’t grow into humungous problems during adolescence.

It’s a great stage, but it’s also a vitally important one. During these years they will be forming values and behaviour habits. They will be learning how to interact socially. They will be learning all about work and study. They can learn things very easily now that will be so hard for them to learn later in life. It lays the foundations for your child’s teenage years; in fact, it lays the foundations for their whole lives.

So this really is an opportunity of a life time… but remember, an opportunity of a life time only lasts as long as the life-time of the opportunity. These years will go by faster than you will ever believe – make the most of them.