GrownUps New Zealand

Grandparents’ legal rights

You’ll know it from first-hand experience: grandparents are an important part of their grandchildren’s lives. 

Many, if not most, grandparents have a satisfying and mutually beneficial relationship with their children. Many informal or formal arrangements see grandparents offering free childcare, support and sometimes financial help. 

Unfortunately, not all arrangements go smoothly. Around 4,000 New Zealand children are living with their grandparents, with parental drug and alcohol abuse being the most common cause. More informal arrangements often see kids spending all or a large part of their time in the care of their grandparents. In these situations, the ‘de facto’ parenting role may not be legally recognised, which can cause a whole raft of practical issues. For example, grandparents caring for a grandchild full time, but under an informal arrangement, may suddenly find that they cannot access a child’s medical or education records.

What does the law say? 

The legislation is unclear when it comes to the legal rights grandparents have to their grandkids, but there are ways to get recognition and help.

Care and protection of little ones

It can be absolutely heart-wrenching for grandparents to become involved in a bitter court action against their own child – but most grandparents are willing to do anything to protect their beloved little ones. Fortunately for New Zealand grandchildren, their grandparents will often step up in times of trouble, and the Family Court will usually listen to concerned grandparents. 

Disclaimer: This article is of a general nature only and isn’t a substitute for personalised legal advice.