GrownUps New Zealand

Diversion Tactics

Every parent understands the frustration, when your little angels, who have been playing happily together (a ‘didn’t we do well’ moment), suddenly turn and begin bickering. After a long period of good behaviour, it seems such a shame to have to assume refereeing duties again.

Instead of growling and grumping, another option is to employ diversion tactics; positively direct your bickering children into another activity, designed to create harmony. It may take a little persuasion to get headstrong siblings, determined that each is absolutely in the right, to see the merits, but persevere!

Here are a few suggestions to begin with. We’d love to hear any others you may have!

– Put on some music and suggest they ‘dance it out’ for five minutes. At the end of five minutes, they are allowed to choose a song each, if things are gong well…

– Ask them to prepare each other a drink or simple snack

– Get out a favourite book and have them read or describe a page each at a time to each other

– Draw a picture of each other

– Ask them to make up a song that they can perform together

– Run around the house five times holding hands

– Tell each other a secret

– Do something kind for each other

– Make a card/poem/write a story for each other

– Give each other a two minute back rub

If your cunning plan works, they should be back to being friends in no time – and often these positive activities will lead into the next game.

For older children/teens:

– Share their devices for 10 minutes

– Make each other’s beds

– Decide on a dinner menu and make a start

– Go for a bike ride

– Find a large old t-shirt and make them wear it together, for five minutes (this is funny and so good for co-operation!)

– Ask them to list three positive things about their sibling

– Clean the car together

– Help each other with homework

– Do 10 sit ups, 10 star jumps and 10 push ups

– Hold a two minute hug