GrownUps New Zealand

Conversation Starters

Good conversation should flow, rather like a fine game of tennis; back and forward rhythmically, matching the energy of the others involved.

Sometimes, it’s tricky to get the conversation flowing. One party may be shy, or you may not initially have a lot in common.


Next time you feel the conversation falling a little flat, or failing to launch, try some of the following questions to get things moving in the right direction:

– What will you never give up on?

– Is there something you take for granted every day?

– What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

– What’s the one problem you’re thankful you don’t have?

– What is something that nobody could ever steal from you?

– What would you like to be remembered for?

– What is the simplest thing that makes you smile?

– What have you grown to appreciate as you have grown older?

– What used to scare you, that doesn’t any more?

– What gives you hope?