GrownUps New Zealand

Capturing & creating family memories

In an earlier lifetime, I used to be a photographer. Here’s a tip – if you want to get some great photos of your grandkids, get down on their level, where they’re at. And if you want to have some great play times with your family, you have to get down on their level as well. Forget your creaky knees and the fact that you’re an adult, if you want to get into game mode – it happens down on the floor.

Not only do you drop down to their level, you drop into their world. Kids have wonderful imaginations, and you need to enter their world and the game that they’re playing. That carton over there isn’t just a carton – it’s a castle. So you need to ask them questions like, “Is that a dragon over there?” or, “How does that truck work?”

If you are going to take the effort of getting way down onto the floor, make sure you’ve got a decent amount of time, so can I suggest that you set aside a block of play time with your grandchildren? If you are able to spend some time alone with them with out their parents, even better. You can use the timer on the stove, so you can say things like, “When this timer goes off, I’m going to have a play time with you, so you go and get the play things ready.” Or perhaps you could say, “When that video finishes, let’s have some play time together.” Having some bonding time between just you and your grandchildren is so precious and will make lasting memories for you both.


By John Cowan, The Parenting Place

Improving and equipping families to thrive.

Read more from John and The Parenting place here.