The world wide web is an amazing place and a necessary in all of our lives but there is also a dark side which we need to protect ourselves and children in our lives from.
For years I have been recommending that parents put some type of internet filtering software on their computers and devices to protect their children from nasty stuff on the internet. It makes sense, doesn’t it? If they cannot view the rotten stuff, it cannot do them any harm. It makes perfect sense – but software isn’t always airtight and we can’t expect filters to parent for us.
Some research done by Oxford University was recently published in the Journal of Paediatrics1, based on over a thousand interviews with 12 to 15-year-olds. In the preceding year, one in six said they had experienced something really frightening online2 – something scary, sexual or threatening, or someone they didn’t know trying to contact them. Even with filters in place, many kids still came across scary and upsetting content.
By John Cowan,
Improving and equipping families to thrive.