Advance care planning is a way to help you think about, talk about and share your thoughts and wishes about your future health care. It is focused on you, and involves the health care professionals responsible for your care, as well as your family and carers if you wish. The best time to make plans is before there is a serious situation, when everyone involved can think clearly and not be clouded by worry or other extreme emotion.
Planning will help you and those around you understand what is important to you and what treatment and care you would like. It gives you the chance to think about and share your preferences for end of life care based on:
– your personal views and values
– an understanding of your current and likely future health, and
– the treatment and care options available to you. You can set out what you want or hope for in an advance care plan. You should keep your advance care plan up to date, especially if things change.
Recording your choices or wishes is voluntary. However, it is a good idea. It will make it easier if you can't tell them yourself, for your family and healthcare providers to decide what treatment and care you prefer.
Talk to your family or those close to you. Be clear and specific. You may like to discuss what kind of care you would like towards the end of your life, or where you would like to be cared for, if you are unable to do so yourself. Your GP may also be a good person to consult.
Obviously, circumstances may arise where your wishes may not be able to be carried out, but in an ideal world, having a plan always helps.