GrownUps New Zealand

4 Road Trip Tips

Once you’ve made it through the end of year parties, Christmas itself and packing up for your holiday, all that’s left it the trip itself. Sounds simple doesn’t it? All that stands between you and relaxation is…a long, hot, congested trip on roads not designed for heavy traffic volumes and exhausted, impatient motorists.

It’s a perfect storm for some, and many a family has arrived on holiday in a fairly fragile emotional state, the trip being the straw which broke the camel’s back. For this holiday season, try and take care of yourself and take steps to avoid the long lines, frustration and exhaustion.

Granted, there is congestion to popular spots as many people are on holiday at the same time. But if you have to travel on busy days, make a plan.

  1. Make sure everyone is comfortable. Delays happen. Embark upon your trip well fed, rested, and preferably comfortable in terms of temperature and clothing.
  2. Pack most of the car in advance if you can. It reduces the likelihood of rushing and forgetting something crucial. Packing the car can also be a challenging task (trying to attach roof racks or adjust seats with everyone standing waiting is a recipe for disaster)
  3. Pack water, snacks, wet wipes and containers for unexpected car sickness. Again, things can go awry on long trips. A trip that may take two hours on a normal weekend, can sometimes take at least twice as long in traffic. It’s also a good idea to have entertainment ready for children (or travel during their scheduled sleep times).
  4. Agree on a playlist. It might be kind of fun to put together a family list of songs that will get you to your destination, smiling.