GrownUps New Zealand

Take a hike | Tips & ideas for the ultimate outdoor hobby

Looking to find a fun new hobby that you can enjoy as an adult, that benefits your health, your weight, and boosts happiness levels? Three words – take a hike!

Benefits of Hiking

Hiking outdoors offers loads of health benefits for both your body and mind. For adults especially, hiking is considered a go-to low-impact exercise activity that is easy on the joints but helps build muscle and maintain bone density too.

Whether you’re trekking a mild to moderate path, or a longer, more inclined mountain trail, hiking is bound to get your heart rate up. Not only does this strengthen the heart muscle and cardiovascular system, but it helps lower your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, or having a stroke or heart attack.

Keeping bone density in check is an important priority for older adults, significantly women. Low-impact physical activities like hiking help maintain strong bones, and when combined with calcium-rich diets, can reverse the signs of bone loss as well.

And did you know that walking in nature has actually been shown to help lower blood pressure and relieve feelings of stress and anxiety? Experts believe that spending time in nature without the hubbub of busy urban life around you can actually boost feelings of happiness and attentiveness as well as lower your desire to ruminate or brood over bad emotions.


How to Get Started Hiking

Want to give a new hiking hobby a successful start? Don’t miss these helpful tips and best practices:


What to Pack When Hiking

While heading out solo with not a care in the world may seem like a freeing idea, when hiking, you want to be prepared and safe. Don’t forget these important items:

Check out some of the best walking and hiking trails in New Zealand over on and happy hiking!