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How to get started in flower arranging

They say that the best way to start doing something is simply to dive right in, right? Well, flower arranging is no different. But how do you get started? Whether you want to start flower arranging for a business or hobby, the best way to get started is to buy some flowers and start arranging. Easier said than done, right?

That’s why I am here to provide you with some helpful hints to get you on your way to creating beautiful floral masterpieces. Flower arranging is such a beautiful pastime because you are surrounded by the sights and scents of nature. Surrounding yourself with such beauty is a sure-fire way to brighten up your life, get creative and keep your brain active. Flower arranging will lower stress levels as you breathe in the fresh scent of flowers and stand back to admire your latest work of art.


Obtaining Flowers

When first starting out and gathering your bearings, it’s wise to pick flora from your garden or ask some of your neighbours if you can have some of their flowers in exchange for one of your beginner arrangements. Usually, they will be more than happy to share some flowers with you!

If you’re not having much luck with your own garden or the neighbours, you can duck down to the local florist and pick up a selection of their cheapest pieces or offcuts. Work your way up to more expensive blooms when you’re feeling up to it.

When you get a bit more serious and need bulk flowers for a party or wedding you can pick up your flowers from a wholesaler. This will dramatically cut down on cost and you will have more of a selection. Choose flowers that go together, both in colour and in species. For example, if you’re going for a native bouquet, do some research to what flowers can be found growing together in the same area.



Your preparation

Once you have obtained your flowers you will need to prepare them. A floral preservative will help your flowers stay free from bacteria and prolong their life. You can buy it premade or you can make it yourself. It’s simple. One tablespoon of white vinegar, one tablespoon of sugar and a litre of water. Cut the stems of your flowers one inch from the bottom at a 45-degree angle. Then leave them in the water for a couple of days to soak up the solution. You need something to keep your flowers in place while arranging them. Use floral foam which can be picked up online or at your local Bunnings.



Now comes the arranging

When it comes time to arrange your flowers, lay them out on a table so you can see what you’re working with. If your flowers have thorns, you may want to wear safety gloves so you don’t prick yourself or alternately cut the thorns off. A sharp knife will do the job nicely. Trim any excess leaves off that you think will get in the way or look out of place. Next, make another fresh 45-degree angle cut at the base of the stem.



The sky’s the limit when it comes to arranging. Try picture how you want the end product to look and think about whether building your arrangement vertically or horizontally makes more sense aesthetically. Larger flowers will usually be the centre focus of your arrangements, with smaller complementary pieces to the outer. Arrangements can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. The most important thing is that it looks balanced and beautiful – so don’t be afraid to do some trial and error! It’s easy to start over again (especially with flower foam) and will be worthwhile as you may discover something beautiful. Try using different types of foliage to compliment your feature flowers.

So this should get you started in your fun floral arranging adventures. Don’t be shy and get stuck into it. It’s easy to get started and once you’re surrounded by the colours and scents of beautiful flowers you’ll be congratulating yourself on a job well done.