GrownUps New Zealand

Ask yourself what do you really need in a new car

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Choosing a new car can be a daunting task. Cars evolve every day and the technology can seem overwhelming, not to mention having to make a decision between so many great models.

If you are thinking of replacing your car; do your homework. Appraise your life and what you really need and be absolutely clear. It is very easy to be blinded by all the bells and whistles and charismatic salespeople. Take a list or a friend with you to keep you on track. Below is a list of questions to answer yourself.

– What do you really need?

– Most of the time, where do you go?

– Do you drive on the open road frequently or usually stay close to home?

– Do you need specific storage space – a car may look very attractive until your golf clubs won’t fit in the boot!

– How many people do you usually transport? Make your decision based on what you actually do, rather than what you may do one day.

– Do you have any limitations physically? Make sure the car you buy is easy to get in and out of, that the dashboard is easy to operate and that all the buttons and gadgets make sense.

– Will the car you are considering fit easily into your garage?

– What safety features do you require? Reversing cameras are a wonderful innovation – not only do they allow you to actually see what is behind you, but if you have a bad back, they will save you turning painfully every time you reverse.

– Can you afford the car you love? Cars are wonderfully convenient, but they are not an asset – choose your payment type wisely and make sure you can afford it, so that you enjoy your purchase in years to come.

– Are you and your partner both able to drive it? There is no use buying a vehicle that one of you can’t operate (unless your partner doesn’t drive already).

– Do you feel comfortable in it? Test drive comprehensively. Many dealer will allow an overnight test drive if you ask – you need to make sure that you can easily go about your daily business in this new car.

Take your time. Salespeople always need to make a sale. The deal will always look attractive and they will use all their powers of persuasion to close it. It is fine to think and take your time. Don’t feel pressured. A good salesperson will want you to be 100% happy with your purchase so you will recommend them to your friends.