GrownUps New Zealand

7 Exciting Home-Based Hobbies for Winter

With winter weather just around the corner, there couldn’t be a better time to check out some new home-based hobbies to cosy up to. Prepare now, and settle in for days of fun!

1. Opp-shop needlework

What’s not to love about the craft section of op-shops when they’re cram-packed with needle work projects that have never even been opened! Grab yourself a cross-stitch sampler, a mini tapestry, or an embroidery starter kit, all for just a few dollars! Once you find your favourite stitch work, head to the craft centre for a larger version!

2. Upcycling stitchery

Don’t go past op-shop tapestry already been completed. There are a hundred and one ways to upcycle it into funky, creative projects. Try stitching several tapestries together to make a cushion cover, or use them to cover a stool. Incorporate them into quilts, sew them into bags – they can even be used to make hats! Small tapestries can be sewn into pin cushions or small purses, or you can use them to cover a tear in your favourite pair of jeans. For more fun was to upcycle tapestries, head here.

3. Collage crazy!

Collage has recently taken on a life of its own. In fact, it’s even hitting art galleries in a serious way. ‘Collage’ comes from the French word ‘collér’ which means ‘to glue’. It’s the process of combining images from magazines, cards, photographs, books, and dozens of other sources, to form a single, new, artistic statement. Collages can be abstract or realistic. The individual components they are comprised of can be based around a theme or be completely random. Best of all, collage is the answer for anyone who’s artistically inclined but has problems navigating their way around a paint brush or pencil. All you need are scissors, glue and time. Give it a go, and you’ll soon be creating instantly pleasing artworks. For inspiration, head here!

4. Smart phone photography

Gone are the days when you needed a special camera to enjoy photography. That’s because your smartphones’ inbuilt camera can deliver the goods! Make the most of it by enrolling in an online camera course. Or head to the library for a book to get you started. Exciting indoor photography themes include food styling, pet photography, still life, family portraits, or ‘wildlife from your window’.

5. Curate your photos

Chances are, you have hundreds of great photos on your device. Cataloguing them can seem little more than a chore, but using a few hand picked shots to create a slide show set to music or commentary is fun! Dive onto your device to see what apps are already there to help you get creative (PowerPoint is a favourite). Once you’ve created a couple of ‘shows’, share them with family and friends.

6. Online work out

The cooler months are a great time to dig into some gentle online exercise routines (unless your medical professional suggests otherwise). Whether it’s dance, yoga, or tai chi, there’s something to suit everyone. Double the fun by inviting a friend to join you!

7. Learn a language

Whether you’re planning to take an overseas trip, or just want to keep the grey matter sharp, learning a new language can be exciting. Duolingo is a popular (and free) online language learning system that’s fun and friendly. It’s suitable for absolute beginners and up, and it also offers learners the chance to pit their skills against others with daily and weekly challenges.

This year, curb your inner couch potato instincts, and make the most of the big indoors by enjoying a new hobby from your own home!