GrownUps New Zealand

How to Look Better in Photos

Do you often feel like your photos don’t do you justice? You’re not alone! A lot can go wrong when someone snaps a picture—bad angles, poor lighting, or just an awkward pose. But don’t despair! With a few simple tricks, you can take control and ensure every photo is one you’re happy to share.

How to Look Your Best in Photos

Find Your Best Angle

Ever noticed that some people always look great in photos? Chances are, they’ve found their best angle. Instead of facing the camera straight on, turn your body about 45 degrees to the left or right. If you’re standing, bend the knee closest to the camera slightly and shift your weight to your back leg. This simple tweak can make you look slimmer and more natural.

Say Goodbye to the Double Chin

No one likes an unflattering chin shot. The secret? Keep the camera slightly above eye level and pointed slightly down at you. Then, lower your chin just a touch, look up slightly, and lean forward a little. This elongates the neck and defines your jawline—no more accidental double chins!

Smile Naturally

A forced grin never looks great, but a genuine smile does wonders. If you find it hard to smile on cue, think of something that makes you happy. If you’re posing with others, look at someone you love or focus on a friendly face behind the camera.

Lighting is Everything

Harsh lighting can create deep shadows and unflattering highlights. Indoors, position yourself near a window with soft, indirect light. Outside, try to avoid direct midday sun—it can make you squint and wash out your features. Instead, stand with the sun slightly behind or to the side of you for a more flattering glow.

Watch Your Arms

Arms pressed against your body can make them look larger than they are. Keep them slightly away from your torso or place a hand on your hip for a more relaxed and natural look. If you’re sitting, rest your hands lightly in your lap rather than pressing them against your sides.

Know Your ‘Good Side’

Most people have one side of their face they prefer in photos. If you’re not sure which is yours, take a few test shots in the mirror or with your phone. Once you know, position yourself accordingly when someone snaps your picture.

Dress for Success

Your outfit can make a big difference in how you appear in photos. Avoid busy patterns, bold stripes, and oversized sweaters, as they can be distracting. Instead, opt for solid colours or classic neutrals that complement your skin tone. A well-fitted outfit can also enhance your silhouette.

Be Confident in Your Age

Trying to look decades younger often has the opposite effect. Instead, embrace your natural beauty! Choose makeup that enhances rather than hides, and wear clothes that make you feel great. Confidence is the best filter you’ll ever need.

Blink Less, Capture More

If you often get caught mid-blink, try this trick: just before the photo is taken, close your eyes and open them slowly as the shutter clicks. This reduces the chance of an unflattering blink.

Practice Makes Perfect

The more comfortable you are in front of the camera, the better your photos will be. Stand in front of a mirror and experiment with angles, expressions, and postures. Practice, practice, practice can make a big difference when the next photo opportunity comes along!

Your Turn

Do you have a favourite pose or go-to outfit for photos? Have you discovered a personal trick that always works? We’d love to hear your tips—share them with us!