GrownUps New Zealand

15 psychological facts

Pencil erases the human brain. Alzheimer disease. Stock vector illustration.

Psychological facts which will blow you away. Take them with a grain of salt, however, several sources do back them up.

  1. Introversion is strongly associated with creativity and intelligence – 75% of people with IQs over 160 are introverts.
  2. Good morning and good night text messages activate the part of the brain responsible for happiness.
  3. Doing things that scare you will make you happier.
  4. The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes.
  5. People who try to keep everyone happy often end up feeling the loneliest.
  6. The happier we are, the less sleep we require.
  7. Walking one-third of a mile longer from home to the nearest tobacco shop is associated with increased odds that a smoker will quit.
  8. When you hold the hand of a loved one, you feel painless keenly and worry less.
  9. Intelligent people tend to have fewer friends than the average person. The smarter the person is, the more selective they become.
  10. Women who have mostly male friends stay in a good mood more often.
  11. People who speak two languages may unconsciously shift their personalities when they switch from one language to another.
  12. Being alone for a long time is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
  13. Travel boosts brain health and also decreases a person’s risk of heart attack and depression.
  14. People look more attractive when they speak about the things they are really interested in.
  15. When two persons talk to each other and one of them turns their feet slightly away or repeatedly moves one foot in an outward direction, this is a strong sign of disagreement, and they want to leave