GrownUps New Zealand

You’re Never Too Old to Date

It’s a brave soul that can navigate life alone, especially in senior years. Yet, for those who have lost their significant other, or who may never have found ‘the one,’ it’s an often troubling reality. But it doesn’t have to stay this way. In an age of online dating, and where finding a soulmate doesn’t necessarily mean a complicated marriage commitment, there’s every reason in the world to seek out a relationship, or to find a special companion. If you’re pondering whether you should, or could, date again, here’s all the encouragement you need:

Love isn’t age-related – it’s an emotional thing. Your heart doesn’t suddenly stop fluttering when you turn 60 or 70. And, believe it or not, you don’t forget how to flirt! Which is why there are plenty of 80, and even 90 years olds, who find a special partner in later life.

Love sees you, not your wrinkles, because beauty really is in the eyes of the beholder. The advantage of age, is we’ve learned to look past what we may, in our youth, have viewed as imperfections, and into the soul of others.

Who wants to be lonely? No one is saying dating is easy (at least, not at first), but it sure beats the alternative of ‘home alone’ when you’d rather not be. If you’re nervous about dating, why not team up with a friend, and ‘double date’ to get you started.

Age is no barrier to dreams – but big dreams (whether they’re of walking the Camino, starting a business, or buying a camper van) can be scary on your own. Boost your bravery with a partner who shares, or at least encourages, your enthusiasms!

Socialising is seriously important as we age. It’s one of the most significant ways we can enhance our cognitive faculties, boost mood, tackle memory loss, and improve our overall mental health. With a special companion, you’re more likely to go out and about, and engage with a wider group of friends.

Dating can be an all-out confidence booster! It lifts the spirits to be thought attractive, witty, loving, kind, talented, and interesting. And if it all falls over, age leaves us better equipped to handle disappointment, and start over again.

Few of us have experienced perfect past relationships, and some of us have endured those we would rather not have had to endure. Dating as a senior can provide a new start, and the possibility of experiencing a relationship as you really want it to be.

Many who ‘team up’ in later life have lost loving partners. Rather than forgetting their loved ones, they are able to offer support to each other as they heal together, and grow beyond their grief.

As we age, there are fewer and fewer who put themselves first in their lives. While it’s natural (our children have their families, and our friends have their partners), it can feel isolating. Find your significant other, and you’ve found the one who has your back, no matter what.

The desire for physical affection doesn’t diminish as we age. In fact, it becomes more important than ever. Whether you’re looking for a loving hug, or a more intimate relationship, finding that special someone in your life can provide the deep need to be physically close to another.

Dating can feel daunting, but when it can offer so many advantages, why wouldn’t you at least give it a try!