GrownUps New Zealand

New Zealand Star Signs 2012

8360 New Zealand Star Signs

By Anne Macnaughtan

What does the coming year have in store for you?

How does being born ‘down under’ affect your star sign?

Is there any truth to the 2012 conspiracy theories?

Shed a little light on the year ahead with insightful, detailed horoscopes from trusted New Zealand astrologer Anne Macnaughtan.

You’ll discover the possibilities of 2012, with your star sign mapped out in six key areas: opportunities, challenges, general, money, love and business.

Every person born in the southern hemisphere has a unique ‘down-under shadow’. New Zealand Star Signs 2012 explains the extra astrological traits that come with this and how they may influence your life’s direction.

This easy-to-use guide reveals where success could be hiding, when to be prepared for extra challenges and whether you should be worried about the predictions surrounding the year 2012 . . .