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Can menopause ruin your sex life?

While men may experience a slight reduction in their ability to become sexually aroused as they age, their desire for sex never completely wanes. I’ve said it before – a man without sex is like a fish without water. Without this essential activity in his life he quickly feels unfulfilled as a man – which can be devastating when his partner reaches menopause and loses interest in sex.

Women frequently don’t realise how important sex is to a man. Most women have a tendency to view the male perspective from the female perspective – and if she loses interest in sex as she ages, surely he will too?

So getting down to business, why can some women continue to enjoy sex after menopause, while for others it becomes a painful, boring and/or uncomfortable experience?

The answer usually lies within these five factors:

  1. Vaginal dryness
  2. Lack of libido
  3. Her ability to orgasm
  4. Her partner’s technique
  5. Lack of health and fitness

Vaginal Dryness

The truth for many a woman is that once she reaches menopause, her vagina starts drying up internally and sex becomes more of an arduous task than a pleasurable experience.  The answer to this problem lies in a woman’s ability to self-lubricate her vagina from the inside out. For most women, this is a learned process – and once mastered, sex can be enjoyed well into her nineties… as long as she is otherwise fit and healthy AND her partner has a sexual technique which is fulfilling for her.

Lack of libido

Sometimes a woman needs help to restart her libido after the birth of her children. While one would think that her libido restarts automatically, this is often not the case. Many of my clients in their seventies reported that their partner never regained interest in sex after childbirth.

Her Ability to Orgasm

A woman who is unable to orgasm will be less inclined to want sex after menopause. After all, what’s in it for her? Being unable to orgasm is extremely frustrating and makes sex become a tedious task over a period of time – because sexual fulfilment remains disappointingly out of reach.

Her Partner’s Technique

Although being unable to orgasm is common for women – 80% find it difficult to orgasm during intercourse – it often ties in with her partner’s technique. If her man has premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or his overall sexual technique is just not fulfilling for her, then she will be less inclined to be able to orgasm and less likely to regain her enthusiasm for sex after menopause.

Lack of Health and Fitness

It’s unfortunate that most men and women fail to prepare for the ageing process. In my opinion, it’s best to live your life as though you’re going to live to ninety – and then it won’t matter if you do. You want to make sure that you avoid these three foods which affect sexual function.

In Summary

It’s not so much menopause itself which ruin’s a woman’s sex life – it’s the associated problems including vaginal dryness, lack of libido and the inability to orgasm. On saying that, many of these issues are present long before menopause occurs. Due to these factors – especially being unable to orgasm and having a partner whose technique is not fulfilling it’s very common for women to lose interest in sex after menopause.


By Jacqui Olliver

Read more from Jacqui Olliver here 

Jacqui Olliver’s unique treatment method for solving premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, problems achieving orgasm, low libido and vaginal dryness involves NO DRUGS and is recommended by leading medical specialists. Read more about it at