GrownUps New Zealand

Sneezing your way into summer?

It’s warmer, the sun is shining.  Spring is in the air and, if you’re a hayfever sufferer, you’ll be feeling it.  You’re possibly sneezing as you read this.

The change in season can be a difficult time for hayfever sufferers because there is more pollen in the air and spores from fungus and mould can be worse in warmer temperatures.  Dust and pet hair can also be a trigger if you haven’t done the spring cleaning yet!

Whatever the cause (and sometimes, it’s hard to pinpoint), the symptoms – sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, inflamed sinuses and headaches – can be a real pain.  Some people also feel short of breath and wheezy.  Some get skin complaints.

The good news is there are some natural remedies to try.

Horseradish can be an effective nasal decongestant.  It’s similar to what’s used as a condiment for Japanese food, but you don’t have to endure a teaspoon of hot wasabi because medicinal horseradish is available in tablet form!

Garlic is also good for mucous membranes, helping to reduce mucous production while supporting the immune system.  The problem for hayfever sufferers, is their immune system reacts to all the pollens etc. they come into contact with.

Vitamin C and zinc are also good for supporting a healthy immune response and can be good choices in hayfever.  Vitamin C is considered nature’s anti-histamine.

Hayfever can also be assisted by a diet low in sugar, processed foods and dairy products.  Anti-inflammatory foods such as oily fish can be of benefit and those who don’t like to eat fish might consider a fish oil supplement.

Fish oil and cod liver oil are supportive.  Cod liver oil is particularly supportive of the immune system because it contains vitamins A and D.