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Natural hair loss remedies

As you age you may start to notice that your locks aren’t quite as luscious as they used to be. Learning to love (or cover up) grey hairs is one thing. But noticing your hair start to thin is a very different experience. Statistics show that you’re not alone, with close to 50% of women experiencing some degree of hair loss or thinning before the age 50.

Of course, there are plenty of medical treatments out there designed to help with hair loss. However, if you’re currently experiencing the early stages why not start with Mother Nature approved remedies? Whether you’re pulling out more hair than usual from the shower drain or have noticed your brush starting to fill up fast, these natural hair loss remedies are for you.



Stress can have a major impact on the body and hair loss can often emerge as a nasty side effect. There are three major causes, with one of the most common seeing stress hormones push large numbers of hair follicles into resting phase. Stress can also instruct the body’s immune system to attack hair follicles which can cause thinning. Hair loss from stress can even be self-induced, with a condition known as trichotillomania causing people to pull out hairs from their scalp.


Switch to organic

From soft drinks to bread products, so many foods these days are laden with chemicals that tend to fly under the radar. If you want to tackle the root cause of hair loss why not try making the switch to organic, chemical free foods. While they can enhance taste and keep foods fresher for longer, the reality is that chemicals can act as endocrine disrupters which actively interfere with hair growth.


Load up on zinc

Research shows that zinc deficiency is one of the biggest causes of hypothyroidism and hair loss. Lack of zinc can deteriorate the protein structure that forms the hair follicle and in turn cause shedding. Keep your levels in check by incorporating zinc-rich foods like pumpkin seeds into your diet. You can also opt for zinc supplements.


Sip on green tea

Not only will green tea get your skin glowing but it also promotes detoxification and is packed full of antioxidants that stimulate hair growth. Some health experts also maintain that green tea can help stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT, a steroid and hormone that infamously shuts down hair growth.


Essential oil scalp massages

Hair loss usually originates in the scalp, so it makes sense that massages designed to stimulate the hair follicles can help combat loss and promote growth. Carrier oils like almond, coconut and olive infused with essential oils like lavender, rosemary and thyme have been shown to minimise thinning and support healthy hair growth.


Do you have any tried and tested hair loss remedies? Maybe you’ve tried medical hair replacement technologies? Whatever your experience we’d love to hear from you so go ahead and share in the comments below.