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Take Care of Your Own Confidence To Win Back A Lost Love

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Growing up you are taught many things, but one thing you are never taught is how to win back lost love after a breakup.  At some point in your life you may experience a partner leaving you.  It may be someone you still feel you are in love with.  How do you make up with them and get them back?  For many it is a hit and miss affair.  In this article we are hoping to give the advice you need to discover how to win back lost love and also keep it.

The very first thing to keep in mind is what you should not do.  Do not go chasing after your ex right after the breakup.  That would be a good way to push them farther away from you.  Many people make that mistake.  If the stress of what went on with your breakup is still fresh in your mind and your ex's, then you need to take a break and give your ex space.  Pursuing them now will make it much hard to win them back and may make them angry at you.  So take a break, quit communicating, and walk away from the situation for a while.

So what should you be doing?  During this time away from your ex you need to be spending a large amount of time taking care of your self and getting mentally and physically fit again.  Make sure you first forgive yourself and also be kind to yourself.  Whether or not you were the one who made a mistake which caused the breakup, you need to prevent the thoughts of feeling sorry for yourself.  To win back a love you need to be mentally on top of your form and not in a state of depression day after day.

If you haven’t already, a good thing to do is to get in touch with friends and make some time to have fun with them.  This is very healthy for the depressed mind.  In addition to that, make some new friends.  Doing something like this will take your mind off your ex, at least temporarily, and keep you from thinking about contacting them.  Not only that, it will really boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.  It will take self-confidence and self-esteem to win back the love that you lost.

How about getting some regular exercise?  It may be difficult at first, depending on your fitness level, but it will help a lot.  Don’t think that going to a gym is all that we are talking about.  You can take regular walks or runs on your own or with a friend.  Walking is one of the best exercises you can do.  You may think about taking a dance class or swimming class. Ti Chi is also a good form of gentle exercise and it is great for the mind as well.  Classes are a good way to meet new friends too.  Any form of exercise will release endorphins into your blood.  These chemicals are known to increase one's feelings of well being, increase the energy level, help with focusing and with losing weight.  People who have never exercised are amazed at how much better they feel once the start, and stick with it.

Don't allow yourself to get dumped and then find you are sitting around gaining weight, getting lazy and losing all your self-esteem.  It is too easy to fall into that trap and it becomes hard to win back your lost love in that condition.  Simply follow some of the advice we present here and you will be getting back your ex in no time.

By Mark Jordan