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Ron Tustin – “What Shall We Do For a Change?”

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“For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not?  Why not me? Why not now?”

In two different elections at the end of last year (in the USA and here in New Zealand) the theme of CHANGE struck a common chord.  In both instances voters responded and found the idea of change appealing.

That is no surprise as the world and everything in it, whether animate or inanimate, is in a constant state of change. 
We face change in our own lives on a regular basis; often on a small scale but occasionally we face very big personal life changes. For some it is impending or recent retirement.  

The one thing that we can always count on is change.  

So why are we so afraid of change?  Why is it so unsettling?

One fact is that it has to do with the unknown and our uncertainty with the unknown.  We want and need to be in control, to know what is going to happen.  Just when we think we have it all sorted out something else pops up to challenge us.  But what is important is how we handle what life throws at us.  

We need to adjust our perspective on change from one of fear to one of a belief that everything will work out in your best interest.  We do have full control over how we choose to handle the changes that life brings us. That way we can begin to become aware of all the choices we do have.

What do you want to change in your life this year?  

Creating positive change in ours lives begins with us believing we can do it and then becoming committed to what we really want.  Focusing our attention on that change and weaving it into the fabric of every day is the key to success.  If you need help then get it.  For such big steps very few of us go it alone.  

A leading sports star or a prima ballerina will have spent years of practice with instruction and coaching to reach their goals. Access all the tools and skills you can to move you forwards.  

This period in our lives (50 forwards) is often termed the ‘third age’. It used to be a very short period between retiring (when there was an official retirement age!) and leaving this earth. Now we live longer. The law no longer says we have to retire EVER and we have so many more choices.

The third age is also a time when our interests and our views of the world change. Most of us do not have the same family, financial and career ties. We get more interested in ourselves, who we are and what we think. We have a lot of wisdom that we may wish to share with others.

A final thought for you to ponder:  What would you regret never having done in your life?  Don’t find yourself heading into the great unknown and wishing you had done this or that. Now is the time to initiate the changes that you want.

“The whiter my hair becomes, the more ready people are to believe what I say.” Bertrand Russell.

Ron Tustin
Revive and Thrive Coaching
Ph 0800 003679

Motivating baby boomers to see the world with fresh eyes.